How To Prepare Tomato, Red Onion, Caper & Chive Salad

Looking for a instructional video on How To Prepare Tomato, Red Onion, Caper & Chive Salad? This suitable bite-size tutorial explains precisely how it’s done…
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Question by Nancy K: Any ideas for Spinach in a salad or cooked?
I have a big bag of spinach but I don’t know how to cook it, i know my mom likes it but I just don’t know how to do it.

Also, what goes good with spinach for a salad? I always just eat it alone with an italian dressing.
😀 i forgot to mention
this would most likey be as a side dish or precursor to honey-glazed ham.
if i use it today thats what it’s for.

Best answer:

Answer by Anne
Strawberries and crumbled blue cheese w/ or w/o nuts like pecans -In a salad

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  1. Go to they have all kinds of tips and tricks for cooking check them out plz!!!!!!

  2. cucumbers, maybe baked some chicken, cheese, boiled eggs, carrots, green onion… yummy! That would make a wonderful salad

  3. spinach quesadillas..
    mix the spinach with cheese in a pan, melt, heat tortilla, and put the spinach-cheese mix inside.. it’s really good.
    or mix the spinach with lettuce and whatever else you want in your salad..


    Here are many ideas for you…i would try the Spinach Salad Recipe with Bacon but thats my opinion i hope you enjoy

  5. Try slicing some strawberries on it and tossing it with some vinaigrette? dressing.
    Or just add your other favorite salad veggies and eat with your favorite dressing.
    It is easy to wilt it, simply heat up some olive oil and crushed garlic in a skillet, add in the spinach and toss and heat through, it takes but a couple of minutes.
    It is also very good stuffed in a chicken breast.

  6. You can saute spinach in a skillet with some olive oil and garlic, salt to taste, it’s really good. I usually have spinach in my salad, along with arugula…you know what? Here is the best salad you will ever have lol Ok…spinach, arugula, goat cheese (or feta cheese) dried cranberried, walnuts, and some vinagrette as your dressing MMMmmMM

  7. To cook it, just steam it.

    I like black seedless grapes, toasted almonds and basalmic vinaigrette dressing. Sliced strawberries are good too. Or you can just do a plain salad with tomatoes and carrots and whatever dressing you prefer.

  8. I put carrots and cucumbers and some times onion in my spinach salad, and use Italian dressing and add croutons!! its very yummy!!!
    I personally don’t like spinach cooked, so I have no idea on how to cook it.

  9. This is my favorite salad…. and I’m not usually in to salad

    Peel some shrimp and season it with Cajun seasoning.

    Put shrimp in a pan and cook under the broiler for about 5 minutes

    Make a salad with:

    canned corn
    green and red peppers (cut into strips)
    avocados (optional)

    Toss the salad with some balsamic vinaigrette and sprinkle with parmesan.

  10. Sautee up a bit of chopped garlic. Once it starts to just brown, add the spinach on top. Cover to steam, but turn frequently with tongs until the leave are limp. That big bag will cook down to a few nice servings. Season with salt and pepper. I like a dash of vinegar on mine also.

    Fresh, I like spinach salad with grated carrot, blue cheese crumbles, cherry or grape tomatoes and vinagrette dressing. I think if you chop the spinach up a bit, it has a very nice texture.

  11. spinach salad with mushrooms, crumbled bacon, sliced hard cooked eggs, red onion, tomatoes and cucumbers. Use poppyseed dressing or Girard’s brand spinach salad dressing

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