How To Prune Tomato Plants

How To Prune Tomato Plants

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Question by thrdroc04: When will my tomato plants ripen?
I planted my tomato plants the 3rd week of April. They have quite a lot of fruit on them and they tomatoes are quite big. When should they start to riped though? I water them about 3 times a week and the tomatoes get sun from about 8 or 9 am until about 6 or 7 pm. Also i live in Pennsylvania if that has something to do with it.

Best answer:

Answer by shellylori

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Tomato plants
Tomato Plants
Image by rachelandrew
These are the tomato plants I photographed back in May. They’ve grown a bit!


  1. Very soon they’ll be ready.
    Make sure they get enough sunlight.
    İ have planted cherry tomatoes this year and it seemed to me like it took years for them to ripen.
    But now i have delicious tomatoes, this is really fun.

  2. My are just starting to have some redness.
    Should be with in the next 2-3weeks…I live in Northern Illinois.

  3. It really depends on the type of tomato plants you planted. Whether they are indeterminate or determinate tomatoes. Indeterminate will not ripen right away and will grow on the vine during the growing season. Indeterminate tomatoes are the big boy, beefsteak and early girl tomatoes varieties. I have big boys now and only 1 or 2 have ripened out of about the 20 that are on the two plants. Due to the lack of rain we’ve had in ohio, they are quite small. Determinate tomatoes will ripen all at once. Determinate tomatoes would be roma or marglobe varieties. Hang in there, they will ripen.

  4. Are you planning a vacation? If so, the tomatoes will all ripen the day after you leave. 😀

    My cherry tomatoes are just starting to ripen here in NH. It seems like a late season; we’ve had cooler weather than usual. My zucchini are just starting to have blossoms with fruit, and my peppers are only 8″ tall and shivering.

  5. Did you note on the label that came with them whether they were an early variety? Some are naturally slower than other varieties.

    Once a tomato loses its dark green it is mature and will turn to red eventually. If you have some that are in the that stage and you are itching to taste them, pick a couple and put them in a brown paper bag on a sunny windowsill. They will ripen more quickly that way.

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