How To Prune Tomatoes

When growing tomatoes, you want to get the maximum yield of crops, with the best flavour you can. Pruning your plants to remove unwanted shoots and leaves is…

Question by momo: How does the feature of tomato plants taproots help with absorb nutrients?
How does the feature of tomato plants taproots help with absorb nutrients?
How does the feature of tomato plants taproots help to absorb nutrients?

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Answer by Nancy
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  1. Aids

  2. This is only for indeterminate types of tomato plants.
    make sure that is the type you are growing!

  3. Thank you X

  4. I had no idea tomatoes needed pruning. Loved the video. I’m sure I will grow better tomatoes in my container garden this year. Thanks a heap!!!

  5. Thanks for the tips.

  6. Thanks you for teaching me how to prune tomatoes. I read about the need to, but lacked confidence and the know-how. Your explanation was simple and informative. When it stops raining and becomes sunny again–I live in the tropics–I will do the pruning exactly how you explained it. Before I used a scissors with poor results.

  7. Toe mot toe? :)

  8. I live in farm country, the soil is so fertile it makes plants giants. I usually plant them by the fence and tie them up. Those cages don’t work here because they aren’t big enough. My tomatoes smash them flat. I usually give up by July and just let ’em go free. I had one last year that climbed a light pole and got 20 foot up. I never got those tomatos, but, it sure was purdy. Birds liked em.

  9. do you stake them up??? or a tom cage

  10. I let ’em run wild and free.

  11. p.s you still have to prune if going wild all over the greenhouse as so with all plants:-)

  12. yep leave all side shoots on just clip the top off if hitting the roof of the greenhouse or cold frame (all we have to do is feed it more often)

  13. Can I use the same principle with my marijuana plants?

  14. thanks….my knowledge is sorely lacking here…good video…no extra “gabbing” going on here…just facts and knowledge.

  15. It’ll take more than that to kill a plant 😉

  16. Thank You For Helping me understanding the Watering & when to, I was also thinking of thta watering problem with my Tomatoes & Pruning, Thx again for Your Help..

  17. yea

  18. lame

  19. Leave the damn things alone. They’ll be fine.

  20. Our plant looks bald now – fingers crossed we’ve done the right thing and not killed it :s

  21. nice

  22. Thank you. So simple and straight to the point. Unlike many other videos out there that leave you more confused .

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