How to sow Tomato Seed for great germination This is Part 2 where I will show you how to get the very best of out growing tomatoes and trying new varieties of tomatoes…

Question by jim b: How Do i grow tomatoes?
I want to grow tomatoes this year. when do i plant, and any methods on how to grow?

Best answer:

Answer by Paul in San Diego
It’s too late. You have to plant them in spring (unless you’re in Australia, in which case it’s just about time to start).

Go to a nursery and get seedlings (again, you can’t get them until spring). Ask the people at the nursery how to best prepare the soil and care for them. But, you’ll need a tomato cage for each plant and some Miracle Gro tomato food.

They’re actually pretty easy. I was living at an apartment complex and there were some cherry tomato plants growing on an embankment behind the building. No one knew where they came from – it was near where dumpsters were, so we figured maybe someone threw out a tomato, it landed in the dirt, and the seedlings just grew. That thing put out lots of tomatoes for the whole summer, and no one did anything to care for it..

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  1. Good video and thanks. I could not help myself and got four different
    varieties of Tomato seeds from the Real Seed Co and looking forward to
    seeing how these perform.

  2. well, jim beam, just buy a plant and plant it in a pot, not the ground. the best kind of pot is one with a hole in the bottom because it will spread and make more tomatoes but is very controlable. roma tomatoes are the best to plant.

  3. I found that chook manure is about the best way.
    A week or two before dig the ground up and place in the chook stuff. water well every couple of days then place in the plants and just let nature do it’s thing.

  4. Hi! Well unfortunately you are a bit late, unless of course you have a greenhouse to overwinter them in. But there are two methods you can use, you decide on how dedicated you want to be to gardening
    1) in february, start from seed, plant 2 seeds per pot(3-4in. diameter, about 3-4in. deep) , which are filled with quality potting soil. don’t go with the cheap stuff, trust me it is worth it to spend the extra couple bucks. water them every other day and keep in a sunny spot, such as under a window seal, or in a greenhouse. if you live in a colder climate, then you can put plastic zip lock bags over the pots, which will give a humid greenhouse affect. once plants start to sprout, water a little less often, say every 3-5 days. after about a week, if you have more than one plant per pot, cut out or transplant one of them. if you cut them out, cut the weakest one and leave the strongest to grow. if you want to transplant, just gently separate the two plants and put in separate pots. after the plant seems to have outgrown the pot, transplant into a bigger pot, such as 4-6in. diameter.
    2)Buy plants from the store. get ones that look stout, rather than long and limpy. avoid ones with flowers already, or if you buy one with flowers (or fruit), pluck them off when you plant it into the soil.

    Come late march to late-may,or when last frost has past, plant your tomatoes in the ground outside. if they are a little long, you can bury some of the stem, as it will develop roots over time. Water every other day for first week, then water every 3-7 days for rest of the year.


    Watering: you can water with drip tape, or trench flooding. trench flooding is cheaper because all you need is a hose and a hoe. make trenches around the plants and water them. Drip tape can be a little expensive, but i recommend it because it is worth every nickel. it is less maintenance, has less weeds as it waters directly onto the plants, and overall you will see better yields for those two reasons.

    As for growing, plant in a sunny spot and either cage, stake or put them on a trellis. this keeps the fruit from laying on the ground so the bugs can easily eat them, keeps you able to reach them better, and makes it so the sun evenly gives all leaves its warmth.

    Ps. amend the soil either in the fall or a few weeks before planting. i recommend adding manure, such as composted steer manure or composted chicken manure. and remember, the more you till and cultivate the soil, the better it is for the plants!

    Well, Hope i answered your question and Good luck with your garden!

  5. depends on where you live, but if you are planting outdoors and have seasonal weather. Plant after the last frost in the spring. fertilize, and don’t overwater.

  6. The Mittleider way works so well! You will have to plant in Spring. Here’s a link with directions that are easy to follow:

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