How To Use The Red Tomato Tray

In this short video Garden Harvest Supply will demonstrate how easy it is to use a Red Tomato Tray. This tomato watering tray is the #1 aid for growing the b…

Question by Melissa2323: Are vine ripe tomatoes packaged in CT safe or part of the FDA warning not to eat?
I’m sorry – the FDA warning article on yahoo mentions round red tomatoes, but does that include vine ripe tomatoes? I bought a 3 pack of vine ripe tomatoes from Shaws one week ago, packaged in Connecticut. Have not eaten them yet. Do I have to throw them out or are they ok to eat?

Best answer:

Answer by danrathersdrunkagain
I’m not a doctor. Now that that discaimer is out of the way, just wash the heck out of them with dish soap before eating. I ate a vine ripened tomato last night. No trouble found.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Red Tomato
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Ripe red tomatoes on a vine, shot in my kitchen

More Red Tomato Articles


  1. Vine ripe and cherry are supposed to be okay to eat……that is what I hear.
    Here is a FDA news report……….

  2. ?????
    how should i know google/yahoo it!

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