hydroponic tomato “back 40” week 2-3 update

backyard hydroponic growing system.


  1. Thank you for your movie.
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  2. Afther or before the water go the plants, Get the water run under the surface. Under the “suelo”.
    That”ll make the water fresh.

  3. you can use the ground temperature to help you…the outlet of your pump water can be pumped through a coil of piping 300′ long and buried 4′ underground….act as a heat exchanger…works for when water is getting too cold in winter time too.

  4. ok dwiggs..thanks again for the advice and thanks for entertaining my questions. goodluck also to your set up..hope u can answer again if i have some questions and problems that i will encounter…

  5. about 3/4 of the pipe was filled. you can remove heat with a air pump in your reservoir as long as the air temp is less than your nutrient. as far as “soaking” your plants best plants for that are lettuce and basil. you cant grow lettuce in the heat but our winters are a real good time for it as long as the temps stay around or below 80 F they shade the pipes real well. i also have the system in a aria that gets only mid/late afternoon sun( you can see it in some of my videos)

  6. the strawberries were transplants from soil so they had lots of leaves to start out and there was quite a bit of shock from the transfer . maybe use shade cloth with only the net pot holes cut out at first or styrofoam . hot and bell peppers are the best with heat i find in my region (zone 10) but i found they do best in a ebb and flow rather than deep water culture system. strawberries do fine in deep water culture as long as you have a good water circulation or air pump for oxygen

  7. also,,,i would like to ask how deep is your water from the PVC pipe?is it at the middle?1/4 , 3/4??this question is also connected to my previous question because the next step i did is to increase the level of water in the pvc pipe to atleast lessen the heat becaus the higher the volume of water the lesser it will absorb the heat from the sun..(just my opinion)….the problem is,,my plants are soaked in the water..wil it be a problem to my system or nothing to worry?comment pls…tnx.

  8. thank u so much for answering my questions..i think it will help me a lot in my system….i also think of what u have said that if i grow the plants,,,the pipe wil be covered by the leaves and that will help reduce the water temperature,,but the question in my mind is how can i do it if i am just starting??can i transfer big plants in the pipes(some kind of a shortcut.lol)or can u suggest what plants are tolerable to different temperature especially in a hot condition…?

  9. yea i have had that problem, sometimes this system in our mild winters the temp would get almost 100F without any harmful affects. these tomato plants died because of a system failure while i was away for a weekend. later i put strawberries in it (never made a video) and the plant shaded the pipes enough to keep the sun and temperatures low.. also, painted dark green doesn’t help white would be the best color… it also helped that i had the reservoir in a large shady wood box

  10. hi..i have my aquaponics in our country(philippines)our climate here sometimes is hot that causes the water in the pvc pipe got hot also though it is a running water…can you help me please on how can i regulate the water temperature and have u encountered the problem i am dealing with?i think it is the reasons why my plants are slowly dying..help me please.tnx

  11. Back 40 huh?….Im guessing your in the Fort Campbell,KY, Clarksville, TN area, or were in the 101st….haha….is your DWC system going to called the “ankle break road system?”

  12. How far off the bottom of the pipe are the net pots sitting ?
    How are the netpots getting wet… are they sitting in water ?
    How deep is thewater.. and what kind of fall have you got on the pipes ?

    Please advise.. closeup shots..

  13. nutes dont dye roots, that is a tell tell sign of roots not getting enough O2. I think he’s got this all figured out though. :)

  14. nice work :) take care.

  15. Your setup and music Rock. Heavy duty and the green paint to make it all blend into enviroment. Everything should be painted green. How the he11 did I end up in a pink house?

  16. that browning is the stain associated with the nutrient solution most likely.

  17. its 4″ sch 20 PVC (sewer/drainage pipe)

  18. Great stuff….What inch pipe are u using?

  19. I had a similar problem with the root systems that set me back 1 week . When I took the seedlings out of their loop and put them in the grow loop I was under the impression that lower water levels would encourge root growth. Instead the roots died back and the plants started to die due to no water. I adjusted the water level to just touching the net pot and a week and a half later my plants are twice as big, and the roots are twice as long as the plants are tall.

  20. no i wasn’t getting enough o2 i found this out about one week ago and installed an aerator and has helped with the problem already. thanks for the suggestion, any help is useful to me because this is my first large scale project

  21. Nice! are you getting enough O2 in the water? I have seen several references to correcting root rot. Look for a series from Advanced Nutrients, the guy talks a lot about hydroponics, specifically nutrients and the root browning comes up. Is your water moving enough? Hydrogen Peroxide is used some times. Really good stuff though, subscribed and looking forward to seeing how things progress for you too.

  22. these videos are very intriguing, I love the musical background, maybe the next video we’ll have some DEF Leppard, no?
    Just imagine, showing the progress of strawberry growth with “Pour Some Sugar On Me” playing in the background!!! LOL, Keep the videos coming.

  23. sorry to hear about your weather. part of me wants some cold down here

  24. Impressive system and good videos so far. I will be watching your progress with great interest. I’m jealous of your weather, our temperature won’t break over 30 today.

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