Interculture operation in tomato cultivation Odia PRAGATI Odisha

Hoeing and earthing up operation is done in case of tomato cultivation leaving 4 inches from the plant after the planted seedlings become 15 days old. During…
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Question by Court P: Do I need a wire stand for my tomato plant?
I just planted a tomato plant in a pot on my porch. It’s getting kind of big and I know that when the tomato’s come in, they will be heavy and could possibly weigh the plant down. Do I need to get a wire stand to help keep it upright, or am I just being paranoid? If I need a stand, can I find one at any gardening or hardware store?

Best answer:

Answer by wheelieman
get a 5ft garden cane and tie your tomato to it and as it
grows keep tieing the plant further up the cane, and do not forget
to take the sucks off, you push the cane into the pot,beside
the tomato

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I always use a tomato “cage” on mine. I have some in beds and others in container and, you are right they do tend to get weighed down by fruit. They are called vines but in reality they are sprawling plants. Caging them keeps them off the ground, cuts down on pests and diseases and gives them support so that the vines don’t get damaged in say a high wind. Most home centers will have a couple of types, a square cage that clips together and a round, cone shaped one that slips over the plant. I use both but prefer the cone for containerized plants. They are only a few dollars each and can be cleaned and re used next season, I have some that are a few years old and still usable.

  2. If the Tomato plant is not tied up or assisted by a cage, it will fall over and grow across the porch like a vine. Hopefully you picked a type of Tomato that does well in pots. Like Cherry Tomato or Early Girl.

    A cage or a Stake will work fine. If you use a stake, tie the branches up with soft pieces of cloth or twine.

    Tomato’s do not put out suckers, those are actually the branches that will bear the Tomato fruit. Removing them to get bigger Tomato’s is an old wives tale that isn’t true. A Tomato’s size is determined by the plants genetics. You can’t make a Cherry Tomato get bigger than a cherry by picking all the other Tomato’s off. Same with a Beef Steak, you won’t get cherry Tomato’s by leaving all the branches on a Beef Steak plant. The size of the Tomato is determined by the plants genes.

  3. Depending on the variety you chose, branches of the plant can grow in excess of 12 feet long. You got some great answers by some obviously experienced gardeners. Any of the ideas here are great! The main point being that you need something to bring it up off of the ground and growing upright in a contained area. You can by something or make it. Good luck!

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