IPC & Red Tomato Qipao Rendegrous – 8TV NEWS CHANNEL

IPC & Red Tomato Qipao Rendegrous – Touch of the Orient a Premier Dinner with the Ambassadors on Saturday, 19th Febuary 2011 in 8TV NEWS CHANNEL.
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Question by Jenn: Really bad diaper rash after eating certain foods?
I’m not even 100% sure it’s a diaper rash, but it does look like one. My 22 month old daughter loves tomatoes and picks them out of my salad when I’m eating one, but then afterwards when she poops I can see little I guess, undigested pieces of red tomatoes and her butt is bright red and raw. She cries when I change her and screams when I put her in the bath. Diaper rash cream is not helping, that’s why I said I’m not completely sure it is a diaper rash. Is this maybe some kind of allergic reaction or what?

Best answer:

Answer by jackie m
Because the tomato’s are acid it is producing more acid in her urine which could be burning her butt – try using Vaseline or petroleum jelly instead of diaper cream as it give a coating on the butt better than the diaper cream- I always used it on my daughter(long time ago) and she never had a diaper rash.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Well if you think its an allergic reaction you should probably take her to your doctor to get it checked out. I know that when my babies have rashes the best stuff is this cream called zincofax and it completely gets rid of it, maybe thats the cream you’re using, if it is then maybe it is an allergic reaction cause that stuff really works well. But I personally think you should stop feeding the tomatoes to her and talk to your doctor.

  2. It is unlikely to be an allergy, because you would see symptoms before the tomato comes out the other end.

    You don’t fully digest tomato seeds or skin either. You just don’t notice it.

    It is very possible that the tomato is irritating her sensitive skin.

    Diaper rash covers a lot of conditions, but usually it is a yeast infection (similar to what women can get, and similar to athelete’s foot). A diaper rash cream that kills the yeast won’t help with the irritation from the tomato.

    A doctor can examine your daughter to confirm this, but the cure is going to be “don’t give her tomatos if it causes her that much discomfort”.

  3. could be either. I’d bring it to the attention of her doctor the next time she goes and not let her have tomatoes until then. does she break out if she eats sauce like in spaghetti. It could be that tomatoes are just to acidity for her. diaper rash cream doesn’t always help. try bag balm and let her go streaking after her bath for awhile. air will help it heal and cornstarch from your kitchen cupboard is better and cheaper than power for her bottom. just save a large plastic Parmesan cheese container or coffee creamer container to put it in. they make good sprinklers for cornstarch. my kids had problems with citrus so don’t feel bad. the above really does work and I swear by it.

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