Jeemin – Green Tomato (( Uhill Idol 2012 ))

Jeemin - Green Tomato (( Uhill Idol 2012 ))

Hey all! This is my performance of my original song called “Green Tomato” at Uhill Idol finals, which decides the winner by students’ votes. I won! which is …

Question by Doom: What triggers the ripening process in tomatoes?
I brought in some green tomatoes that got knocked off the vine a week or so back and put them on the windowsill in the sun. A couple of them have ripened nicely and the others have stayed resolutely green, so what sets off the ripening process and can I trigger it artificially?

Best answer:

Answer by Mrudul S
A warm temperature triggers ripening of the fruits. The condition of the plucked tomatoes is also important. If they are too young they will not ripe and will remain green.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Thanks! I appreciate it :)

  2. so nice….just subbed :)

  3. because green tomatos are not ripe yet!, as in shes not ready for the world yet~ O:

  4. pretty voice

  5. my mom asked.. “why is it a tomato?”

  6. Here is a great site with a little bit of science, and a little bit of practical advice.

  7. Tomatoes need darkness to ripen.

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