Late Bloomer – Growing Tomatoes in the Front Yard – Episode 18

Kaye grows tomatoes for the first time in her organic front yard urban garden. With guest, James Kenney, wildlife photographer and tomato aficionado.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by dreamer: is it possible to grow vegetable plants indoor in the winter?
i wanted to know if you gan grow tomato’s or any other veggies in the winter?
in the window or under a light?

Best answer:

Answer by Shoe Lace
You could grow tomatoes if you use a grow light and keep them at a temperature of around 75 to 95 degrees with the light on for say 12 to 14 hours. Keep them well watered while they are growing until close to harvest time then start depriving them of water to get the tomatoes to ripen and get sweet.
But then again if you want veggies why not start some spinach and kale outside. They grow well in the cold season and actually when it starts getting real cold the frost makes them sweeter.
Anyway best of luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Thank you, Mei Ling! You need to try growing some beets in a pot over the winter!

  2. I’m so glad! Let me know how it goes! I’ve got a full winter garden sprouting now, even more planted than in the summer! – Kaye

  3. Thanks for watching! Hope to get my 19th episode done soon. – Kaye

  4. Great Tomato Video! I had a lot of problems with my garden. Your suggestions inspired me to try next year again.

  5. Congratulations for your work .. gorgeous wonderful garden <3

  6. Noah, I am honored and gratified a young person is interested in “Late Bloomer!” Thanks for watching! Indoors in the winter in MN is going to be challenging, but, not impossible. You can grow celery in water, from the cut off end of a head, did you know that? You may have to have a grow light, but, it is possible. Do your research. And if you have a photo of your garden in Hawaii, please post it on Late Bloomer Show Facebook page. I’m sure you will inspire others! – Kaye

  7. I enjoy watching your videos so much! I’m from Hawaii, but at the moment I’m in minnesota for college and I’ve been having gardening withdrawals. I’ve attempted to grow some things indoors, because I’m in an apartment, but they’ve all failed. I’ll need to do more research and hopefully I’ll be successful. Can’t wait until your next upload!

  8. I wish that I had a garden!!  She’s great!! So much to learn!!!

  9. Yes, it is. There are limits to what you can produce and you have to have the right conditions but it can be done. Check out the links below to get an idea of what’s involved. Good luck and have fun!

  10. If you have the right conditions such as temp. and light.Remember though anything that grows from flowers will need to be pollinated by hand since there are no bees around in the winter.

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