Local Food in Every Shopping Cart

Ever wonder why it’s so difficult to get local produce at your grocery store? www.redtomato.org The biggest hurdle: Logistics! Red Tomato has spent 16 years …
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Question by Falloutgirl: Roasted red peppers? where do i get them in the grocery store?
This is probably a stupid question but i’m making an appetizer that asks for 3 tbs of roasted red peppers, do i roast them? or do they come in a seasoning? can? thank you for you help!

Best answer:

Answer by Jean S
Italian food section, usually by spaghetti sauce. Sometimes by the olives too.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Great job telling a complicated story in a short amount of time and making it entertaining!

  2. Great!

  3. Nice.

  4. Congratulations!

  5. Great video. It really explains the issues in getting local produce to market. Well don.

  6. Nice!

  7. they can be in jars near olives or tomatos

  8. I know that I can get them in the deli section at some grocers. You might also find them in the condiment section – with the capers, pickles and such. The ones from the deli come in a brine, or and oil based marinade. I imagine you would find them in glass containers in some brine on the shelves.


  9. Usually you will find them where the pickles and olive are.

    They are really easy to make and delicious. Would you like to know how?

  10. Look in the section where you would find Pickles, it would be in a jar, in some type of brine of olive oil. Or you can roast your own in the oven just buying red peppers.

  11. Near the pickles and olives.

  12. You can roast them yourself, rub them with olive oil put them on a tray and roast about 20-30 min High temp about 400. Keep an eye on them. You want the skin to blacken. when that happens take them out let them cool and rub the black off. you have roasted peppers. Season with olive oil s/p Garlic what ever rocks your boat.

    You can buy them in the store also. they will be in the italian section. where you find pasta and sauces. Alot of different brands. Pastene one of the best…..

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