Logan picks a green tomato

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Question by Cassidy: so dumb question? But are fried green tomatoes made out of unripe tomatoes?
or are there like actual green tomatoes? And why do they make them out of the green instead of the red? Is it so they are more firm?

Best answer:

Answer by gypciesoul
They are green unripened tomatoes. They have a totally different taste than ripened tomatoes, on the sour side. And they are very good!

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  1. Nope, Tomatillos (Green Tomatoes) are used for making salsas and other “green” Mexican sauces (salsa verde, etc).

    Unripe tomato is completely different issue.

  2. Fried green tomatoes are made from unripe tomatoes. They are sliced and breaded and fried. You either love them or not. They are sour but if fried with a good breading are loved by many.

  3. They’re unripe, and my guess for making them out of unripe tomatoes instead of red is because they’re firm. I live in the south and I don’t think they’re anything special–I prefer fried okra and fried squash.

  4. They are unripe. The only reason our family eats them is because at the end of the growing season when a frost is coming we pick all the green tomatoes off the vines to save them from the frost.They are not as good as ripe tomatoes but not bad breaded and fried,Sometimes we fry them together with okra.

  5. Unripe tomatoes are good when they are fried.

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