Maggie’s Kitchen – prosciutto, brie & sun-dried tomato on baguettes

Maggie’s Kitchen – prosciutto, brie & sun-dried tomato on baguettes.
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Question by sky n: How long does it take for acne scars to fade using the tomato method?
I have a few acne scars, but they are in the most noticeable areas on my face. What I’ve been doing is: taking fresh tomato juice and putting it on the acne scars. It’s only been a few days, but based on experience, how long did it take for your scars to fade? Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Charles
Yet another way to use tomatoes in the treatment of acne is available for those who don’t feel comfortable leaving pulpy tomato on their face for an hour or for those that don’t like the idea of rubbing half of a tomato across their face. Simply take one tablespoon of tomato juice, mix it up with about three or four drops of lime juice in a small dish, then apply the mixture to your affected areas of acne with a cotton ball. This application needs to set for four or five minutes to be effective as the acidity in lime juice needs a bit more time than commonly featured over-the-counter ingredients like alcohol to dry out your skin but it works just as effectively given the full five minutes. Once the application has set for five minutes, rinse with warm water.

A variation to the tomato mask that works well and utilizes a vegetable with similar properties as the tomato is the tomato and cucumber mask. Cucumber has a moisturizing effect on flesh whereas the acidity in the tomato will shrink pores. Mash up the tomato as aforementioned and either add cucumber juice or mash a cucumber up into as smooth a paste as you can. Mix the two and also keep the mask on for a full hour. If the acne is painful, try adding two tablespoons of yoghurt to the paste mixture. This will soothe the pain.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

1 Comment

  1. Usually it takes about a month. It really depends on how dark your scars are.

    From my personal experience, I used fresh lemon juice instead and it took about a month for my acne scars to fade. (And my scars were pretty big and dark)

    By the way- you should try mixing the tomato juice with lemons! Lemons are also a natural brightener to help fade scars, etc.

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