Making it Thick: Tomato Juice Concentration

Dewatering tomato juice to demonstrate the capability of SmartFlow TFF technology.

Question by Heather Brooke: How do I get the skunk stink off of my dog?
My dog’s playdate with a skunk has cost him 2 baths, 1 dousing of tomato juice, and one wipe down with mouthwash. All he has to show for it is a pink tint to his coat and a minty smell on top of the skunk stink. Looks like he won’t be coming back inside anytime soon. Any other solutions I could try? Has anyone tried the baking soda mixture I have read about on the internet?

Best answer:

Answer by Rosalie
There is only ONE roduct that really really works for skunk musk – SKUNK OFF.
Many vets and some Petco’s have it – find some, and buy another bottle so you have it at 10 o’clock when you really need it next time.

Never mind douche, tomato juice or any other ‘skunk shampoo’. Just get the real thing, and it will be gone, even on a rainy day.

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  1. I haven’t heard of any remedies for this situation other than tomato juice. Sorry! You might want to contact your vet for advice, if you haven’t already done so.

  2. My dog was skunked once, tomato juice did nothing. Neither did a lot of “smell good products”. I finally found “Skunk Off” at the pet store. It worked the best.

  3. I’ve had the same problem, unfortunately, three times. What worked for me was Nature’s Miracle, it has a picture of a skunk on it and it did the trick every time.

  4. tomato juice or watered down ketchup. My family and I had a doxy that never learned not to chase a skunk. He got sprayed 3 times! Twice we had a large can of tomato juice on hand, another time my father had to take a bottle of ketchup out of the fridge and water it down and bathe him in it.

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