Making Tomato Jam

Making tomato jam with cherry tomatoes. We grew these tomatoes at Berry Hill Farms.
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Question by Zoo House: Can i switch my parakeets food(seed) to vegetables and fruits?
I dont want to give her seed anymore can i combine celery,cherry tomatoes,carrot,apple instead of seed?

Best answer:

Answer by o LoveBirdies o
If you are planning on changing your birds food dont just switch it when you feel like it but gradually change it =) and maybe substitute the seed with a few pellets instead

hope this helps =)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Wonderful! Let’s eat.

  2. Great video. I enjoyed it very much. Now I just have to wait for summer and
    hopefully I get a good tomato harvest so I can try this. I never thought of
    making tomato jam before. How exciting.

  3. thank you for making this video. loved it make some more please:)

  4. Seed should only be a small portion of the diet to start with. However, you can NOT only feed them fruits and veggies. Most of their diet should be a pellet food such as Zupreem for parakeets. They should get fruits and veggies in addition to this (NOT in place of) every day. Seed can be once or twice a week.

  5. Your birds still need seed but it only needs to be around 25% of the diet. Try adding different vegetables every day to see what they like. Change over slowly & make sure they are actually eating the new foods.Fruit is a high sugar food so only feed about 3 times a week. You can also try sprouting the seed mix in a little water, once the seed sprouts it is highly nutritious. I feed many different sprouted seeds, lentils , peas e.c.t. They love them, I only use organic seeds & pulses.
    I havent needed to use pellets so cant comment. Never give your bird Avocado as it is poisonous.
    Some birds like their veggies raw. others wont eat it unless its cooked. Also dont leave fresh food out in the cage for more than a couple of hours as it starts to go nasty. Have fun working out what they like, I keep a little book so I know who likes what!

  6. Parakeets NEED some seed, don’t eliminate seed entirely.
    Start offering veggies and some fruits in a separate dish from the seed. Offer one new food at a time, chopped up small. Don’t leave fresh foods in the dish more than a few hours. Don’t expect your parakeet to gobble up new foods right away — though she might!
    Good luck.

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