Max Amini – Persian Girls

Max Amini - Persian Girls

Max Amini knows a typical Persian girl when he meets one at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood, CA. See more exclusive videos of Max on S…
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Question by David H: How do you get skunk smell off your dog?
My dog stinks and is stuck outside till we can get the smell off. Help! Tomato juice don’t work.

Best answer:

Answer by Mitch Ross
saliva. Spit into a jug (with your family to speed things up) and cover ur dog in for about an hour. It will go away. Should work.
The chemical compound known as artifilleryzadosis is what causes a chemical based stink (rather than a bacterial)
saliva has a neutralizing ability to break apart the zalfinoid acid and the clarsivinol compound causing the stink to be neutralized rather than simply trying to wash it away.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. We cannot do anything I think because we don’t determine these situations. As long as USA, Israel and like these countries’ governments are supporting us, we can’t change anything so we are waiting that these governments and ours are fighting so they will drop Erdogan and maybe If we have chance they change the government with secular people

  2. kus farosh zanha e irani….don’t use persian please. Iranians always say Persian because they are so ashamed of the image Iranian brings up. Never seen such apeople who self hate themselves and epitomize white Europeans ….”merci…” Oh please give me a fucking break

  3. take it easy sis!

  4. typically islamfobic bigot rant, for your information ass, under the shaj who was not at all islamic people had no rights, so don’t stick your head so up your ass bigot

  5. you bad…

  6. i pray everyday for my turkish brothers and sisters. i hope your country remains beautiful, and any attempts to make it like iran are stopped. do whatever you can to stop the islamists, they will fuck your nation up.

  7. WHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHH so true im an iranian guy and this is so true

  8. So does Türkiye. Atatürk couldn’t save as we are back at Islamists over again with Erdoğan.

  9. yep. islamists ruined the world. and our beautiful country.

  10. the Persian empire became a shithole when the islam were forced on them…. same with any other old culture down there… i realy cant understand how u can be a persian + muslim… if u u wonna be religeous then stay with zorastrian or how it is called….

  11. I agree that the previous comment was horrible and he was completely out of place, but please don’t insult all Arabs because of a few…..

  12. I am Persian and we call ourselves Persian because that is our blood. There was no Iranian, our ancestors were Persian’s. Also we don’t support the Regime, of Iran. Also its what our grandmother and so on call themselves, so it stuck with the next generation.


  14. of course,having a nose job must be scientifically true

  15. ahaaaahhhhh so truuuueeeee i loved it

  16. suck my dick.

  17. if you’re actually interested in learning, then maybe frame your question in a more respectful way. “Iran” was the pinnacle of the persian empire, it was the home of the great leaders such as Cyrus the great. even on certain maps you can still see in brackets ‘persia’ next to iran’s name. have you been to iran to claim that it is a shit hole? yes it is in a horrible state due to the current islamic regime. but look into the history of american intervention, and youll see why it’s a shithole

  18. Not all the iranian is like what you think
    Like you said there is good and bad people you racist shit

  19. Troll, racist, ignorant and dumb. you go fuck your self!

  20. love this guy

  21. owned

  22. nope,but as an indian i know something about their history.when arabs invaded persia/achameid empire,zorastarian religion was the state religion of persia.but islamic arabs forcefully converted them,many took shelters in central mountains of iran,india and northern’s iran is a converted nation by arabs.ethnically they are persians.

  23. Iranians/Persians Are Not Arab

  24. Of course Tomato Juice doesn’t work it just masks the damn smell, not get rid of it. Sheesh people, please study about Skunk Smell on Dogs…

    These web sites are great on explaining it & how to get rid of it, take a look-

  25. If you use vinegar, it should help with the smell although it wont completely get rid of it. I know to get the smell out of things like clothes and things like that you can mix vinegar with bleach. (Please don’t put bleach on your dog.) You can use things like that to get the smell out. Also, if you try just plain ol’ tomato paste instead of juice, it may work better.

  26. At any major pet supply store, they sell odor remover. Many of them specifically claim to remove skunk smell. Wal-mart carries these products too. They are usually open 24/7. Good luck.

    Personally, I have used tomato juice and it worked. Maybe you didn’t use enough? Maybe you didn’t let it soak long enough? For it to work, the dog needs to be soaking in it like a tomato juice bath.

    Good luck to you and your dog. I hope this helps!

  27. The pet stores sell Skunk Off or Natures Miracle for this
    You can make a solution of Dawn dishwashing liquid, peroxide and water and wash your dog in this, too.

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