Mike the Gardener Green Tomato Collection

Hoping these will be red in less than a week.
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Question by hattrick2190: What do I do with unripe tomatoes?
With winter coming, I still had a lot of green, unripe tomatoes, whole and cherry. What is the best thing to do with them? Is there a special way to let them ripen? Something to do with them?

Best answer:

Answer by Homepro2007
Fried green tomatoes

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. You can put them on te windowsill, and they will ripen slowly. Or you can place them in separate plastic bags on the window sill and they’ll ripen much more quickly. Maybe too quickly so watch them closely.!

  2. you can put them in the window sill that is what we do and they will ripen
    good luck

  3. Put them on your inside window sill and the sun will ripen them for you.

  4. fried green tomatoes are so delicious, try them! Go to allrecipes.com and look for your perfect recipe. You wont be disappointed!

  5. I’ve HEARD you should hang the plants upside down. Pull them out of the ground so you have some roots on them then hang out of the wind/weather but where they will get some sun.
    I’ve tried it twice now & some do ripen, but not nearly as many as rot & fall to the floor.
    So I like the idea of making fried green tomatos.

  6. put them in the window, the sun will ripen them

  7. Green tomatoes can be fried or you can make a type of salsa called chow-chow or put them on a window sill and let them ripen. There’s also picalilli-which is added to beans to spice them up (kinda like chow-chow) http://www.recipecottage.com/preserving/picalilli06.html

  8. you can put them on your kitchen counter and let them ripen
    or just wait until winter is actually here to pick them.

    or you could string them together for your christmas tree! :)

  9. I use them sometimes as fried green tomatoes. Slice each tomatoe and dip in beaten egg then in corn meal or flour. sprinkle with pepper and fry in hot oil till golden brown. To ripen, wrap tomatoes in newspaper and store in cardboard box in cool dry place You’ll have fresh tomatoes for Thanksgiving. Hope this helps. I don;t know about cherry tomatoes ,but I would think use for salsa. Good luck.

  10. i normally put mine on the window sill and they do ripen . or you can make some chutney with green tomatoes .

  11. You can also dill them. Any dill pickle recipe will make them taste EXACTLY like dill pickles. They’ll last a year when they are sealed.

  12. Hi hattrick. Leave your tomatoes on a shoot.Place in a brown paper bag with an apple.The apple gives off a type of natural gas which causes other fruits to ripen quickly.I have used this method with tomatoes ,with great results ,also with peaches and plums.Do not put any damaged fruits in the bag and check for ripeness two or three times a day .You will be surprised how fast this works.Green tomatoe chow chow is not exactly a salsa ,its a relish .Look for it along with other recipes in pickle and condiment sections of the super market , try a small jar before you spend too much time and money making it.

  13. My wife quarters them or if they’re the cherry tomatoes just use them whole, and makes delicious pickled tomatoes. They go great with pinto beans and cornbread. She makes them a little hot and spicy with peppers in there too. You should be able to google .. pickled green tomato recipes….. and find some good ones.

  14. wrap them individually in newspaper. put them in a paper bag (can put several in one bag) and put in dark closet or dark cool room. you will be surprised when you open one a month from now and it will be red and unspoiled. i tried this, forgot about them for 6 weeks, and was very shocked when they were still very good and edible

  15. I had alot of green tomatoes one year and I placed them in a brown paper bag and they ripened much better that way as opposed to a window sill. We had tomatoes for Christmas that year.

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