Monsanto Inspired? Police Destroy Farm Mistake Tomato Plants for Marijuana

Police Destroy Farm Mistake Tomato Plants for Marijuana. Sounds Like Monsanto Inspired. By Michael Allen, Thu, August 15, 2013 Several residents at the “Gard…

Question by ~*Lizzie*~: I’ve been growing tomato plants, but some of their stems and leaf veins are turning purple?
Some of the stems and veiwns of tomato plants that I’ve been growing are turning purple. I really want to know why that is and whether it’s a bad thing that they are turning purple.

Best answer:

Answer by Carrot
I really think U shouldd get a new tamato plant but keep watering and
keep caring for it for a few more days if it starts looking bad then get rid of it iimiadely it might be sick .hope u can find a beeter solution to this problem – Carrot

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. JUST LEGALIZE IT!!!!! Cops need to find better stuff to do with their time than go after Marijuana plants that they aren’t even caring for. I know that these plants weren’t Cannabis but it’s still ridiculous to have raids over it when it’s nearly legal! People who live in Colorado and Washington are LUCKY!!! I’d love to have a real pot plant. They just seem beautiful to me. I have a fake Marijuana plant but a real plant would be wonderful!!! Fuck NJ!!!

  2. You will probably agree with this video then.On youtube type in “When should you shoot a cop.”

  3. What we have here is a case of fraud upon the court. Acquiring a search warrant requires a sworn testimony, based on probable cause. Someone purgered themselves to get that warrant. I would start with filing a criminal complaint against that person.

  4. Every cop you kill today is one less cop you’ll have to kill tomorrow when they come to arrest you for growing potatoes.

  5. Dear Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT),

    A little thing called The Constitution,

    Signed Liberty and Justice.

  6. UGH.

  7. Count on it someone wants that property. This was political for someone else with intents of owning it themselves.

  8. The citizens of Arlington should arm themselves and fortify their properties with IED’s and other DEADLY booby traps and obstacles.
    You never know when “code enforcement” will target you because your grass is too long and the SWAT team will be tasked with destroying your life and property.

  9. So its pretty clear.
    The Arlington PD FAKED a “drug raid” juist so the Arlinton Code Enforcement could come in and cut the grass.
    Sounds like typical Texas style out of control “law enforcement”.

    I hope they all get a painful rectal cancer.
    The citizens of Arlington should get their hands on these “code enforcers” and HANG THEM in public.

  10. crazy

  11. first dumbsponders, america`s biggest armed gang, dignity and respect they know nothing about it!

  12. Its a crime to lie on getting a search warrant  some one needs be arrested and charged or remove the judge

  13. Are THESE the same police that can carry guns and shoot americans ? Are these police going to shoot people thinking/or told they are terrorists? Can obama just call up police and order them to destroy? Can the police take a liteness test of knowing personally BEFORE they just ACT on orders to go and destroy or shoot? Or are our police that are being hired now, not being tested on reading writing and arithmatic…least of all commonsense?

  14. Their outside I assume?
    Yea there cold you planted them to early but they will probulbly survive.

    Next time research the plant you are trying to grow you get better ansers from the internet than you get from people on the internet.

    Seriousely google yahoo search engines are better than yahoo ansers.

  15. Unless it is a variety that is supposed to be somewhat purple, like Cherokee Purple, it probably is lacking potassium. If you get a good fertilizer for tomatoes, they should be fine. If the plants are lacking something they need for health, they will not produce well.

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