Moroccan Tomato Cucumber Salad

To view the written recipe, click this link: Ingredients: 0.6 pound (300…
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Question by [[♥]] (: cuteangels45 :) [[♥]]: How do you prepare a tomato prier to dicing it?
I need detailed answers. Ok so I am making a tomato and cucumber salad for my mom as a suprise. I was reading the instructions and it told me to dice the cucumbers and the tomatoes. I know how to do the cucumbers but i’m not sure how to do the tomatoes. Please help me and i need a good explanation.
Also, do i need to take out the seeds….stuff like that

Best answer:

Answer by kk
Wash it with cold water, pat dry, cut in half, then take out all the juice and seeds for easy slicing and dicing. Make sure you use a knife with a sharp serrated edge and not a flat one or it will be difficult.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. – by TheBroAccount (The Bro Account)

tomato salad
Tomato Salad
Image by magrippi

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  1. Just rinse the tomato off and cut it up in chunks. I always just slice it in half both ways, and start cutting up chunks about 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch.

  2. Slice the tomato into slices like for a burger first then cut into cubes by stacking the slices three or four at time. Be sure to cut the green part out of the top.

    I use to have to cut 10# of tomatoes a day like this. Don’t worry about the seeds.

  3. Wash tomato well, remove core (top) where the stem was. Cut tomato in half, first, with a searated knife, remove some of the seeds and excess juice by squeezing lightly. Now cut into slices and then into cubes to match the cucumber dice.

  4. Cut out the stem and dice. You can remove the seeds and juice because they will make the dressing watery.

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