Mozza Tomato Salad Recipe – Simple Salad with Various Tomatoes & Fresh Mozzarella Cheese

Looking for a super simple summer salad? In this video, Chef Rodney Bowers shares his delicious Mozza Tomato Salad that brings together the uniqueness of a f…

Question by quizboy2000: Can I get fat by eating exclusively fruits and vegetables?
I’m not generally the dieting type, but I’d like to drop a couple of kilos just to keep on the safe side. I don’t really want to get too calculated about this, because I do have other things that go on in my life, but what I want to know is, assuming my activity stays the same as it is now, will my weight drop automatically by switching my diet to exclusively fruits and vegetables for a couple of weeks? Or is it possible to actually gain weight by eating exclusively fruits and vegetables? the diet I’m planning is something like whenever I’m hungry, grab a tomato, a salad, or make a fruit smoothie and fill the hunger gap with that.

Best answer:

Answer by DodgerBlueFan
nope, good luck

Give your answer to this question below!

A gorgeous Tomato and Chorizo Salad for you all on #foodtube. x – by jamieoliver (Jamie Oliver)

Tomato salad fries bulgogi
Tomato Salad
Image by fortinbras


  1. yes all diets require exercise, you have to move around and burn calories

  2. no. you will lose the weight. The things you are consuming have water in them as well. But some of these fruits and vegetables will cause you to go to the bathroom alot. which is why you lose the weight. So make sure you drink plenty of water so you dont get dehydrated. But it works and its good for u. Also you need protien. try salmon. put it on the grill.

  3. Yes – theoretically you could deep fry them all!

    Seriously though, from your plan – you most certainly will loose weight. Please bear in mind that some fruits such as bananas and avocados won’t really help your weight loss if you eat too much of them.

    Your body needs a little bit of protein so if you complement what your eating with a few sunflower seeds and other nuts (again – go careful with these as they’re high in calories).

    All in all – good luck.

    Remember if you starve your body then just stop your diet – your weight will come crashing back on with a vengeance! It’s best to use this as a start to a healthier life – and then always try to eat more fruit and veg!

  4. Nope, can’t get fat off fruits and veggies.. but make sure you eat some peanuts too or something. They DO have fat.. but your body needs a certain amount of fat to function and they have the good fat.. also protein that you’re going to need too. So have fun losing the weight, but eat some peanuts just to get the good fat and protein.

  5. Nope

  6. Because fruites no transfatty acids and no cholestrol you’re not likely to gain wait from them other than the weight from eating them and having them sit in your stomach.

    However some vegitable may cause you to gain wait. Such as Potatoes which contain carbohydrates which is a main fuel soruce for your body but eaten in large amounts can cause weight gain. So can beans. Some fruits and vegitable help increase bone density and other help in muscel growth.

    So the answer is Fruits, No.
    Veggies, maybe.

    Another thing a pound is a pound. A pound of fat weights exactly the same as a pound of Muscle. So just becuase you don’t think your loseing weight doesn’t mean you aren’t.

  7. make sure you find some sort of supplement for the lost protein. to answer your question it will help if you exercise. park farther out and walk up the stairs, etc. The weight won’t come off fast but it won’t go back on fast either.

  8. Switching 2 a Veggie diet will shift & keep away any excess weight.
    C the Note below.
    What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fat made by your liver. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all parts of your body. It helps make cell membranes, some hormones, and vitamin D. Cholesterol comes from two sources: your body and the foods you eat. Blood cholesterol is made in your liver. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. Dietary cholesterol comes from animal foods like meats, whole milk dairy foods egg yolks, poultry, and fish. Eating too much dietary cholesterol can make your blood cholesterol go up. Foods from plants,like vegetables, fruits, grains, and cereals, do not have any dietary cholesterol.


  9. Yes, the exercise will help, and the fruits, and veggies are great.
    You have to watch the sugar intake in alot of fruit though. High in carbs

  10. by eating fruits and vegetables you can be healthy….i dont think you will gain weight by this….coz eating raw food reduces weight than boiled ones….so it keeps you healthy and stronger…..

  11. You are what you eat. The best way to get results is to maintain a diet that has high protein and low card in take. Also try to have five meals a day at regular times. The more your body works the more it will burn. This goes with eating as well. The meals you should have should be small yet! filling. Do not starve yourself as this will course a pendulum effect. You will lose the weight but you will gain it back just as fast and more. Eating carbs should be done before 2pm in the afternoon and after that protein, as protein is easier for the body to break down. But the best is to speak to a doctor or meal planner. Veggies and fruit are good for you but also take into account the amount you are taking in as fruit does contain sugar.

  12. yes it is quite possible if you eat a LOT of it. fruits also have glucose (simple sugars) and some fruits like avocados are high on calories (so beware). and the salad dressings are high on fat and calories even if the put a ‘less fat’ on the label (it might be less but it still is high).
    i would also like to stress here the importance of protein. if you don’t want to eat meat, then just drink some soy milk or eat soy cake.
    if you really want to lose weight- water, exercise, adequate rest (sleep) and BALANCED DIET will still be your best friend.

  13. you will lose weight. however your body needs specific nutrients so be sure that your getting a sufficient dose of your needs. Avoiding this can also make you too bloated ( which is a nice way of putting it)

  14. over dose of everything is fatal

  15. You should be able to take off the weight you need by just eating fruit & veggies for up to a month..
    Have a fresh juice for breakfast (try carrot and apple very good for vitamins) (Use a juicer and make it yourself)
    At mid morning have 2 pieces of fruit… (the same kind DON’T MIX acid and alkaline forming fruits)

    Right now is a good time for this type of diet, as this is the high season for fruit…

    For lunch have a good mixed salad as big as you want (Avoid prepared dresings, even low-cal) Use a spoonful of oil and juice of a lemon or a drizzle of vinegar, a little salt & pepper.

    mid afternoon make yourself an herbal teea if you like (even cold with ice like iced tea). and if still hungry have another piece of fruit

    For supper have only fruit…If you like melon, watermelon, or others…have as much as you want but only of 1 kind (never mix melons with other fruit, they are harder to digest that way) I sometimes have a half a honeydew for supper…Filling & refreshing.

    Avoid the following fruit which have high sugar content and tend to put fat on…
    Bananas, Cherries, Grapes, Persimmons, Custard Apples, Avocado Pears, Coconut, Figs. Dried fruit, raisins, dates, quince, nuts
    Veggies to avoid: Peas, Corn, Potatoes Pulses (Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans).

    There is a website for Acid/Alkaline…Put Fruit List – Acid & Alkaline in your browser and you will come up with it. (I did it, but forgot to add to my favourites)
    Never mix acid & alkaline forming fruit…
    Also, the more you eat raw the better, cooking kills the natural enzymes that make food easier and faster to digest.
    Try eating 80% raw 20% cooked

    A good cooked salad for a change is: Boiled green bean salad…
    Add a chopped onion, some cherry tomatoes a spoon of olive oil and a drizzle of vinegar…

  16. Yes! You have the right idea. Eat as much as you want and lose weight. But others say no. Who do you believe? See site below for the facts on this. See last fat loss tip for most fattening food in America.

  17. You may lose weight, but you will learn nothing about maintaining healthy eating and lifestyle. The weight will come back. Instead of going on a “diet”, find something you can live with for life.

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