Mozzarella and tomato salad

Fratelli fresh Chef Sean prepares mozzarella and tomato salad.

Question by MikaRight: What is your favorite salad bar creation?
Eat at the salad bar everyday in the hospital where I work, and I’m running out of interesting combinations. What do you eat from a salad bar? What would be tasty?
Looking for anything truly interesting, will actually try the suggestions listed here so make them good, and don’t be afraid to stretch.

Best answer:

Answer by Pick a fight 05
Lettuice, tomatoes, cheese, olives and salad dressing!

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I love romaine lettuce with tomatoes,black olives, corn, and some chicken slices. Instead of dressing I get fresh lemon juice.

  2. I mix alot of things together like: lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, peppers, olives, jalapenos, chicken or steak ( depends if they have it), feta cheese

  3. romaine lettuce, ham/chicken, shredded carrots, peanuts, and something else i just cant think of the name. and whatever dressing i like that day

  4. Iceberg lettuce, beef tomatoes, potato salad, cole slaw, tuna, cheddar cheese, black olives, croutons, maybe a chicken breast, hard boiled eggs and French dressing.

  5. mexican- beef/chicken lettuce tomatoes cheedar cheese black olives
    green peppers hot sauce

    greek- lettuce tomatoes black olvies green olives greek olives feta cheese greek dressing

    fruit salad- watermelon grapes strawberries melon cantaloupe

  6. Lettuce
    Tuna or chicken
    Salad cream
    Baby tomatoes
    Grapes 😛
    Cottage cheese
    Grated carrots
    Potato salad

    Me and my friend usually get this to share when we have salad ^^^^
    It all depends on what’s in your salad bar!

    Hope i helped!
    Thanks for answering mine!!


  7. I never eat the “regular” lettuce. I like spinach with alfalfa sprouts – kalamata olives, cut-up artichoke hearts, sun-roasted peppers

  8. Lettuce, Salad Dressing, Cucumbers, Steak (If they have it) Baby Tomatoes, Olives. Happy Salad-ing!

  9. Southwestern flair …:)


    tomato onion and cilantro mixed
    black beans
    tostito chips

    topped w ranch and gaucamole
    version of the one i get at chilis southwestern cobb salad i adore this

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