My cat and a tomato juice. Кот и томатный сок.

My cat and a tomato juice. Кот и томатный сок.

Обожает томатный сок.

Question by Skunked: My dog got “skunked” last night. What’s the easiest way to get rid of the odor? Her eyes were spared contact.?
I’ve read about the commercial products…no thanks. Also heard of the tomato juice and hydrogen peroxide recipes. Anything else? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by GetMoZing
Bath in tomato juice.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. take a bath in tomato juice

  2. Wash her in tomato juice. You may need to repeat the procedure more than once to get the desired results. Don’t forget to block your nose.

  3. Tomato juice bath

  4. We use the tomato juice. Natural remedies are the safest!

  5. tomato juice NEVER works. after rinsing, it will smell worse.

    use either Nature’s Miracle skunk formula, or women’s scented douche.
    i know- the douche sounds strange- but it was recommended to me by an Animal Control officer in CT- and it works.

  6. As for natural remedies– tomato juice is best– but be prepared to do it a few times. the first bath doesn’t always get it all. Good luck.

  7. I have heard that tomato juice can get ride of the smell. Try it and see if it works. I think it will.

  8. Tomato juice won’t get rid of the smell and it will just make a mess. You might think the smell has gone away but you nose is just getting used to the skunk odor. Once someone else comes in the area, they will smell the skunk right away.

    The only other thing I have heard of online is the “douche” method. I have never personally tried it but it seems to work for some people. I personally like the product called BON-CC-41. I found it online and it works like a charm! It is safe to use on your pet and around the house.

    You can try the hydrogen peroxide method, I have heard of that working too but don’t get it around the face. Also, when your dog gets wet, the smell returns.

    Good luck!

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