“Natural Tomato Hair Mask” “How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster” “Home Remedies For Hair Growth”

How to:best natural tomato hair mask moisturize and make your hair grow faster without smell, home remedies for hair growth, how to get long hair, how to mak…
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Question by mark: Please help! Is it a good idea to grow and tomatoes upside-down?
PLEASE HELP ME! i had tried this a few years ago, however they did not work.i think the pots might have been to small for the tomatoes. i was thinking about trying again this year, and actually do some research before i start making an upside down tomato and/or pepper. is it a bad idea to grow them upside down? does it even work? do they grow the same or better upside down? do they grow better right-side up? do the peppers grow better upside down or right-side up? do the tomatoes grow better upside-down or right-side up? how big of a bucket do i need for the peppers? how big of a bucket do i need for the tomatoes? what else do i need to know? BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!

Best answer:

Answer by Dennis
Plants always grow right-side up.
Pots can be any which-way.

Give your answer to this question below!

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  1. First off you need to do some research on the types of tomatoes that work well in your area and the type you desire. ie beefsteak, or roma? I have bought these plastic(tarp type material) at a graden show made specifically for tomatoies upside down. The tomatoes grown this way are not as large or produce as many fruit as a regular plant. They need a lot of water and sun. You may also want to feed with a tomatoe plant feed we use ortho products and have seen great results. As with anything any hybrid plant will not produce the same quality and /or quantity as the main type but are a great alternative for limited space plant as early as possible and stagger plants planted so you have ripe fruit throughout the summer it is about 75 days for a mature fruit so plant early. Hope this helps

  2. I had a few friends try and nobody had any luck, the plants lived but did not produce much.. I also agree this is not the natural way for plant to grow.

  3. plants grow towards the light (sun), so even upside down they will grow upwards…the reason the plants in the commercials look so good is because they were grown with the light under the hanging basket

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