NO POO Challenge Part 2: Tomato Juice Wash + “Shikakamon” & Honey with an unexpected reaction…

Tonigh I did a tomato juice wash and then a shikakamon and honey wash (shikakai and cinnamon) This vid’s a bit longer than the previous but it’s jam packed w…
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Question by Lovinlifeinchrist: I must have a home remedy for skunk odor removal from a cocker spaniel using normal household items. Thanks!?
Our cocker spaniel seems to be having a territory war with a neighbohood skunk. “Charlie” now has a tobacco-looking stain on his neck. We’ve tried soap, fabreeze, and heard tomato juice definitely does NOT work! Please help us with a home “recipe” that truly works for removing the odor from the dog and the couch. Thanks, so much!

Best answer:

Answer by flowergirl1994
The only thing I found that works is a trip to the groomer. If you have a groomer near by they may let you buy the solution and do it at home to save some money.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. here’s a challenge, do a parody of the famous shower scene from the Alfred
    Hitchcock film Psycho


    😛 There’s some.

    Man oh man. When I was small my dog got hit with a skunk while we were camping, the family said “She has to sit in your lap or she’s not coming home!”

    I stank so bad by the time we got back, but I couldn’t smell it anymore. We just shaved her fur off and gave her a bath, worked fine. I stank to high heaven for a while and it just went away on its own!

  3. A groomer friend told me she uses Massengil douche. I tried it when one of my dogs was sprayed and it got the smell out with one washing. After that you would barely notice it when the humidity was really high.

  4. Yes, try the douche.

    It might be a few times before your Charlie is skunk odor free, but douche the most effective way I know of.

  5. 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide

    ¼ cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

    1 teaspoon liquid soap (use dawn cause if any fleas, it will knock em off too)

    This recipe can be doubled for bigger breeds.

    Wet your pet down and work the mixture through the pet’s hair. Leave it on for three to four minutes and rinse. This will generally need to be repeated several times. Be sure to throw away any excess mixture. Do NOT get any of the mixture in the eyes; as a precaution, place protective ophthalmic ointment in the eyes.

    Note that the above mixture may bleach the hair color temporarily until the animal sheds and new hair grows in. Common antidotes like tomato juice, vinegar, or regular shampoos will not be as effective.

  6. try this :

    For us our Old Mike he got lots of tomato baths but, my grandma added always a twist peroxide. She was always careful of Old Mikes eyes and mouth etc… that usually took care of it. Then she would powder him with baking soda when dry????

    The above site is what a friend of mine swears by??? Worth a try I guess. You won’t know unless you do anyhow. I wish you luck with your stinky problem.

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