Normal Light Cherry Tomato PC Grow Update

I give you an update under normal light so you can see there is no deficiencies and an idea of how many tomatos i’m gonna grow. You can subscribe and guess t…

Question by grammadsky: Why do some of my tomato plant leaves turn yellow?
A few of the leaves, at the bottom of my plants turn yellow. They are not full size tomato’s but larger than a cherry tomato. They also are not a Roma..I have those tomato wires around them also. Does anybody know why ?

Best answer:

Answer by Mandy
are u watering them too much / not enough?

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. what is the led wattage in your grow box

  2. sun

  3. Too much water.

  4. You have to play detective with your plants. There are several reasons tomato plant leaves turn yellow: are under-watering and over-watering, nitrogen deficiencies in the soil, a lack of sunlight on the bottom leaves, or a possible disease.

  5. I grow tomatoes. You will always have some of the lower leaves turn yellow. Cut them off and don’t worry about it. It is the nature of the plant.

  6. They are the oldest leaves.

  7. Most likely nitrogen deficiency

  8. I agree with William C, all tomato plants have their lower leaves die off as the plant grows. If it continues up the plant, then you have a greater problem.

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