Peanut Tomato Soup

Recipe to prepare “Peanut Tomato Soup”: Ingredients: 1. peanuts – 100 gms 2. refined oil – 2 tablespoons 3. green chilli – 2 4. salt – 1/4 teaspoon 5. red ch…
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Question by nora_mcdonald2000: ramadan soup recipe with oatmeal?
can someone please remind me how to make the ramadan soup using lamb, tomatoes, and quaker oatmeal? I forgot how to make it!! Thank you in advance!!

Best answer:

Answer by Joanne A. W

Ramadan soup
6 medium sized tomatoes
1 medium sized onion
half head of garlic
2 bouillon cubes
few spoons of quick oats

Cut out the core of the tomatoes, boil the tomatoes in water til the peels are loose, remove the tomatoes from the water and take off the peels. Put the tomatoes back in the water, (small-medium sized pot 3/4 full of water), put in the garlic that is peeled and ends cut off, put in the onion that has been cut into a few large pieces, put in the bouillon, let all simmer til everything is soft. Once all ingredients are soft, let the soup cool down a bit then put the pieces of vegetables into a blender and blend til smooth. Put the soup back in the pot and taste to make sure it has a full flavor, add more bouillon if its not flavorful enough, this soup should have a nice strong flavor. When u have the taste the way you want it let it boil and add a few spoons of oats, the oats should make the soup a medium thickness so add a couple table spoons of oats at a time and stir and test the consistency. This is a very nutritious and tastie soup for Ramadan and one that i make everyday.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. @hareramable: yes, if you dont’ like thick consistency then you could add
    more water to the soup.

  2. it looks more like gravy than soup perhaps water quantity should have been

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