Planting my tomato seeds indoors for my 2013 growing season!

A look at what I’ll have growing on this year as well as some tips and insights on my planting.
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Question by jennifer_santolla: tomato and chilli plants?
im growing tomato and chilli plants on my balcony in miami and they have been in the pots for 2 weeks. i notice on the chilli plant and one of the tomato plants that there are little shoots growing by the side of them. what are these and are they a good thing or a bad thing??the one growing near the chilli plant is now as big as the chilli.

Best answer:

Answer by lovey
We grow tomato in a pot too…. you cut that shoots or pinch it… it is not bad … but your tomato will not give you lots of fruits….
Chili and tomato cannot be grown together or near its other…. just pinch those shoots…. and put your chili a little farther from your tomato plants

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  1. Oh and the juices that are lost in the cooking of meat I boil it down to almost a paste. Place the paste in ice cube trays freeze and place in a zip lock makes a great tomato base for any stewed meat or chili.

  2. Well I think it’s time to start canning for you. It’s very rewarding take time but oh man when it’s November/December and you’re looking to make a brisket or my fav chili grabbing a can of your own canned tomatoes from your summer garden popping the top and breathing in the aroma of fresh tomatoes you’ll never go back to store bought. The pear tomatoes are better to use though b/c of all the meat but I use any kind of tomato. Had a purple sauce from Cherokee purples and yellow from the pear.

  3. Yellow sauce sounds like a good idea. I just might try that. I haven’t canned tomatoes before but I think that I might this year. I’ve read that store bought canned tomatoes aren’t very good for you since some of the metal trace elements in the can will leach into the sauce.

  4. Last year I canned 30qtrs gave some to friends and neighbors and lived off the rest for the winter. Not once did I have to purchase canned stewed tomatoes.

  5. I agree with the yellow pear those sure over produce but it’s a blast to see. Last year I took all the yellow’s once I had enough and made tomato sauce. Yea it’s a yellow sauce so I made a vodka sauce with it adding no vodka. Blue tomato wow reminds me of my reaction to a blue phalaenopsis. Way to go planting seeds in soil! It grows the same as starting in paper towels. If one cell doesn’t germinate all you have to do is stick another seed right in the ungrown cell. Do you can your crop?

  6. Good video

  7. Hey good deal and nice seeds too. I haven’t started my seeds yet, but you reminded me I should! You got some nice types there, look forward to your garden this summer.

  8. Cool video. I started my tomatoes Sunday. I have some cherokee purple and I remember you talking about the black cherry ones last year. Thats cool. I hope I get to the point where I am not buying seeds anymore because I have a serious problem! HA!

  9. Yes they are

  10. most defiantly i expand my garden at the house this year but i don’t want to take up to much room because of the dogs and kids so now i can even have more space and grow a different variety of things. Plus try and grow things differently and experiment a little.

  11. You have a really great selection. It’ll be fun to watch them grow.

  12. Good info, Thanks for sharing!

  13. better to start too early than too late

  14. That’s great that you’re growing some of the same varieties. So are you going to be taking advantage of one of those plots of land for $20?

  15. glad your starting your stuff!

  16. We are doing some of the same tomatoes lol i do love bring in the different tomatoes into work. Last year they never seen a Cherokee purple they ask what was wrong with it, but when they ate it they loved it. I was thinking of doing the blue tomato this year as well, very cool i think the kids would love them, maybe a spaghetti sauce !!! I found a farm that renting out land lots to the community for 20 dollars for the season. Great video thank you you are looking tried maybe just tried of winter

  17. Nice video. That’s a good selection of tomatoes. I’m going to try some of those varieties myself.  Hope they do well. – keep us posted

  18. Excellent video! Started my peppers last week,will be doing tomatoes in a couple of weeks from now. Thanks for sharing .

  19. Thanks for watching! Cherry tomato plants are great because they always seem to put tomatoes the earliest!

  20. Great video. I didn’t know about blue tomatoes. I have only 2 plant of tomaoes one is a cherry tomato and it’s startning to show baby tomatoes even though it’s still small.

  21. Plant them deeper next time.

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