Planting Tomatoes in Pots #64 Here is a great way to grow your own organic tomatoes if you don’t have land. I hope you enjoy and thank you for watching. Have …

Question by jacknash711: What should I do to maximize my tomato plants output?
I have 4 tomato plants this year that I planted in straw bales(2 Cherry and 2 Plum plants) and 2 others(Big Boy and another-I forgot it’s name). I thought I read somewhere that I should always pinch off the lowest stems to the earth so that all the energy goes to the upper leaves and produce more fruits. Is that sage advice or what can you veteran tomato plant growers offer me to be a better gardner. Thank You!

Best answer:

Answer by Peter Griffin
my dad has tomato plants so keeep it in the sun and water it dailey. and i have tried growing peppers.

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@Briannalight planting tomato >.< - by ItsTuro21 (Arturo…)

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  1. Probably sage advice. Plant food once a week will increase growth.

  2. If you remove vegetative stems from tomato plants you allow the plant more energy to produce fruit instead of leaves.

    You can then place the stems you cut off into water and they will sprout roots, doubling your plants!

  3. We was having problems getting ours tomatoes to produce at all i read on the interner somewhere that if you lightly shake the plant it will cause for it to pollinate better.Also it said to talk to take a Q-tip and pollinate them yourself,now we have lots of tomatoes producing!! good luck!

  4. all good answers. you might be surprised how much better vegetable plants do when you keep your garden weeded. i”ve learned the hard way.

  5. Not a veteran grpwer this is my first year but im going to spray them with epsom salts and water mix together in a spray bottle not sure of the ratio but you spray it on the foliage. works on roses too. Have no done this yet maybe today there is alot of info on it though on the web.

  6. I grow very large and plenty full Tomatoes every year, the answer to growing them is soil preparation and constant attention to the plant. I remove deformed fruit I find growing, bad leaves, I keep the ground clean under the plants. I spray with a soap and water solution if I think I have a bug problem. In the spring I like to fish, the little ones come home with me and get planted about 15 inches deep right where I plan to put my tomato plants. I put 5 or 6 fish to a hole and cover them up. THIS WILL WORK!

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