Prune Pepper plants for HUGE yields!

When do you prune your pepper plants? How do you prune your pepper plants? Where do you prune your pepper plants? WHY do you prune your pepper plants? The an…
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Question by gjabbyrider: Is fresh horse manure to strong for tomato plants?
Fresh horse manure was mixed in with the soil before I planted my tomato plants. Will that be to strong for the plants since it was fresh or does it really make any difference. My horse got out and and got in to the garden. I got as much picked up as I could but there was still some left. We tilled it in with the fresh dirt but you could tell there was still a lot in there. What should I do to.

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No it will Not be too strong.

Tip: However, if you really want good sturdy stems/plants and hearty tomatoes, see can you find some cow manure to mix with the soil around them.
I did a little contest with my husband last year with our tomato plants- He used chicken manure from a neighbors chicken house while I used fresh cow manure. His plants grew very rapid, stems were thin and super loaded with tomatoes. Mine grew slightly slower, had very thick, sturdy stems and large hearty tomatoes! I have also used the horse manure but really could not see a difference with that as I have the other manures above.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. I have eight bell pepper plants (4 green and 4 yellow) that are starting to flower. I just saw your tip about pruning it. It is breaking my heart, but I think that I’m going to do it to half of them to compare their growth. Thanks for the tips!

  2. Do you know where I can get some of those heirloom tomatoes you were growing? I would love to add some of those to my non GMO organic heirloom garden.

  3. I have heard it is possible and has been done. I have never had luck with it. Possibly I didn’t do it correctly.

  4. great videos, can you clone the pepper cut offs?

  5. great videos, can you clone the pepper cut offs?

  6. Hi Ray, thanks for all the gr8 videos. I’ve always loved to have a garden but since I live in an apartment, there’s no room outside and I was skeptical about having one indoors especially since I started one a few years ago but all the little plantlets died :(. But your easy approach to gardening indoors has inspired me and I have started a little green patch indoors by a window and it gives me such joy to see the little plants in the morning. Thanks :)

  7. It’s not a matter of time, it’s a matter of size. I prune mine when they reach a foot tall.

  8. I love your channel, im a new gardener and you give me super great tips and information! & do you think that you could give me like a time from planting of when you should prune pepper plants? if that’s confusing im sorry…what i mean is like from the time you plant them and they sprout, to the time you prune them ….how many weeks/days/months should you wait to prune? Sorry if im confusing, i just dont know how to word my question lol.

  9. I carefully watch your videos after seeing them when I subscribe. Youtube knows now my interest. Pruning is necessary as I do same to my flower plants and now |I am starting with tomatoes and pepper as balcony garden, I can see from others even indoors but plants needs sunlight so I prefer at balcony, I have enough space. Thanks for the shows, useful….

  10. myseeds . co/ground-cherry-seeds-cape-gooseberry-for-sauces-pie-physalis-family-unique-tomatoe-pineapple-like-blend-only-70-days/?ref=lexity&_vs=google&_vm=productsearch&adtype=pla&gclid=CPTqooyu8bcCFYc7MgodvBMAyA


  11. He offers them in January only.

  12. Ray what ever happened to the ground cherry ? I dont remember ever seeing it again, nor did you offer the seeds? Did it survive the outdoors? Were they tasty? Ive been trying to get seeds but the companys sell out early. I almost ordered some this year but a guy on a seed swap said hed send me some but I never heard back from him.

  13. Right, hes removing the early flowers so hed get a bigger plant first. Then he allows it to flower to make peppers later.

  14. Yes the bottom leaves of most plants will die off as it matures, you can just pinch them off

  15. @ praxxus55712 Great! Thanks for the video on pruning peppers. I actually completely cut my tomato plant down and left a few inches above the root ball and I’m now seeing new growth which I never thought possible I made a video if you want to see it yourself.

  16. And the yellow leaves (dying ones with spots) are turning green again.
    I think I have an overly healthy plant! lol

  17. Sounds ok to me. I’ve never heard of too many leaves. :)

  18. My scotch bonnet has TONS of tiny leaves after I used some miracle gro. It’s responding great (as far as I know) but I think there are too many leaves. Also, the bottom leaves are dying off, is this normal?

  19. Thanks for getting back to me. I’m determined to try again. As read on some of the comments below, this time I’ll wait till it’s a foot tall before I prune and feed it more nitrogen. I might even to out and get a fresh plant today. Take care.

  20. I don’t know what happened. Something went wrong in some aspect of your growing conditions or the plant but I can’t know what it is since I don’t know anything about how it is grown.

  21. I clipped all my pepper plants and it stopped growing. It didn’t die, it just staying green and no side shoots…nothing. It’s now a dwarf pepper plant that’s about 8″ tall and starting to flower. What happened?

  22. Tomitillo I would say not ground cherries, to large for ground cherries

  23. Also, how can I get scorpion pepper seed ( they look like pointed Habaneros to me). Actually, like you I Am very interested in propagating unusual plants. I’d love to access any excess seed you might have to spare. Do you need more Beefsteak seed? After this season I can pass along tomatoes in Black Prince, Black Krim, Purple Cherokee, Golden Jubilee, Marglobe and Arkansas Traveler, all heirlooms.

  24. Thanks . I know I’d frozen Braeburn apple seeds and Japanese maple seeds for a couple of months, then planted and they took right off. Prior planting attempts on both failed 100%. Thanks.

  25. I just tossed them in the soil, watered them and kept them warm. Nothing special.

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