Pruning your Tomato Plants to get Big Tomatoes with California Gardener

All these tomatoes were planted as seedlings with 2 tablespoons of bone meal between each plant. It works great, highly recommend it for plant health and to …

Question by Judith: What do side shoots look like on tomato plants?
I have two tomato plants growing in the green house – they’re both about a foot tall now. I know I have to pull off the side shoots to encourage more growth, but I need to know what I’m looking for? I’m worried I’ll pull off the wrong part!!

Best answer:

Answer by pcbeachrat
You are talking about the “suckers”…At A foot tall I wouldn’t worry about it let it grow taller..but the sucker leaves will be the shoots that shoot out inbetween the main stalk and a leaf..the main stalk grows up and then leaves will shoot out the sides..and right in the middle of the both new shoots will shoot out and these are the suckers..I do not pull all of my suckers right at the start but I let the plant grow to about 3 feet tall then start suckr..and then I do not pull all of them..You can also take any suckers off that you cut and replant them, they will grow a whole new tomatoe bush..simply cut the suckers when they are about 5 inches tall(cut them at an angle, and stick them in a jar of water and they will sprout new roots and plant each one for a new bush…I will post this then come back and apply a link that will show you how to suker one out..

Here is a link with a picture of a sucker just starting to form..notice the main stem, then the leaf and the sucker growing out from the middle..these suckers can grow into new bushes as suggested, just let them grow to about 5 inches cut at an angle then put in a glass in water out of bright sun, but some filtered sun and they will root..I root mine by sticking in a soiless mix to rot..but in water works well let the roots get a couple inches long then plant in soil..If you have a determinate tomatoe plant, do not sucker it out as you would an indeterminate one..but you can take a couple suckers of a determinate to give you more plants.

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  1. I’m glad it was helpful and you were able to understand what to do. I wish you all kind of great tomato success :)

  2. Thank you! I’ve been watching videos on videos on how to prune my first ever tomato plant, and yours was the first one that actually explained it in a way that an amateur actually understands

  3. the side shoots are where the leaves join the stem, and it looks like a
    a little tomato plant this want nipping out as it takes some of the
    goodness from the plant, and do forget to put canes in to tie
    your plant too as it grows

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