Red Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato (06August12)

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Question by Frst Grade Rocks! Ω: Why does my hand glow red when using it to cover a flashlight in a dark room?
Give a first grader a flashlight. He will go into a dark room and start shining it around. He’ll put it in his mouth and his cheeks will glow red. He’ll hold it up to his hand, and the hand will glow red. You can actually see the finger bones!

How does this happen and why the color red?
It is a pretty amazing phenomena, but I don’t think blood is the major reason. According to Wiki, blood only represents 7% of the human body.

Best answer:

Answer by Joel R

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Because the light is shining through the blood in his veins which is, of course, red!

  2. bc its showing your blood and going through ur screen kinda like a exray but u just see red..the blood ..

  3. Because your blood is red.

  4. Aren’t you a little young for this web site?

  5. urr because flesh and blood is red?!
    the light shines through!?
    it doesnt shine through the finger bones because they are too thick/dense, therefore the light shines through the flesh around the bone

  6. Your hand is not very thick, so you can shine light through it because it is mostly water. It is colored red because of your blood, which is red. So your hand is like a red filter over the flashlight.

  7. because of ur skin colour and evn the blood flowin thru it

  8. Its because, well there is a lot of blood in your body, including the blood in your hand. blood is red. and the light from the flashlight shines through your hand and illuminates (lights up) your blood and shines through it, therefore making it red.

  9. You probably drank tomato juice? lol

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