Red Tomato Farm – Part 1

A 3d animated cartoon, which is about the life of a group of animals in a farm named “red tomato farm”. In this part, “Tiny” (the cow) has a toothache and he…
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Question by : How to have red cheeks without making up?
I wanna to have red cheeks without making up,how do i do that?

Best answer:

Answer by Scifichic92
Run around…. other than that not possible hun just put a little blush on!

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  1. thats too baaaadddd!! very bad animation

  2. welcome…so you are the one who made this movie?? nice..keep up the good work :)

  3. thanks for kind response. I have made this project as a demo for a production company. Unfortunately they did not agree with you and did not like the movie at all. So this is the only available part for the time being

  4. where are the parts?? part 1 only? thank u…very nice movie

  5. Tomatoes

  6. I punch you in the face.

  7. pinching them

  8. for temperory flushed cheeks, pinch the “apples” of ur cheeks a little.
    running around might work but it might leave ur whole face red, which is unflattering usually

  9. This actually works for me, but you gotta do it correctly!

    If you have a dog or a cat, make them hungry and get them to dribble. Collect their saliva and store it in a bowl and leave it overnight in a freezer. The next day, squash a tomato, and get only its juice.

    1. With boiling water, mix, crush and stir well to the animal’s saliva
    2. With that solution mix it with the tomato’s juice
    3.Scrub it over your face AFTER cleansing or washing of face.
    4. Your face should feel soft and blushed. <-- Do not rinse off the Solution 5. Wait until it is dry! <=== air dried 6. Apply Moisturizer to face Not only does it make your cheeks red, but it also softens and whitens your face naturally! For the whole day, after a morning scrub, your cheeks will be blushed!

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