Redtomato heart tulip

Redtomato heart tulip

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Question by halorz3: Is eating at least two tomatoes and half an avacado a day good for you? Will it help offset any alcohol probs?
Can a heavy drinker with a diet high in lycopene, lots of skinless chicken breast, no red meat, low saturated fats, and enough of the good fats offset any damage they might be doing to themselves?

Best answer:

Answer by wihntr
No it wont make a differance. Try not drinking to the point of feeling guilty.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. If that was the case, then all of the recovery clinics would be feeding their patients tomatoes and avocadoes!
    Bloody Mary drinkers would rule.
    I was a heavy drinker for years, then I quit.
    Best decision I ever made!
    I feel alive!
    No more hangovers!

  2. no, none of the above. however, drinking instead of eating healthy foods can have negative health consequences.

    If you are a heavy drinker and not wiling to cut down you need to be sure you are getting extra folate. The MAY reduce the increased risk of breast cancer associated with alcohol consumption.

    Alcohol can damage the liver, it depletes magnesium, and leeks calcium from the bones. There is no diet for a heavy drinker that protects the liver from the effects of alcohol.

  3. Attempting to find way to justify and perpetuate drinking as a solution is an earmark of potential alcoholism.You might want to find out if you are or could become an alcoholic because i used to think like you do now, but Thank God i’ve been sober for over 14 yrs.

  4. Good diet won’t offset the harm from heavy use of alcohol. Eating a big meal before starting drinking might cut down on the alcohol consumption, as might drinking stuff with less-pleasant flavors.

    Health isn’t the only risk from excess drinking. There’s also the risk of auto accidents and bar fights, among other things. Just a generally bad idea.

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