Ripe RED Tomato

Braveheart is the background noise. No real screaming women in my apartment. They may scream once they taste my tomatoes, but in a good way.
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Question by LadyofBristol: When should I transplant my seeds from the starter flat?
This year I finally decided to buy one of those started greenhouse kits with 72 peat pellet thingies that I plant my seeds into. A good deal of them are already growing and have two little leaves on the ends. I have multiple types of plants started, lavender, oriental poppy flowers, cucumbers, string beans (they have’t come up yet), red peppers and tomatoes. Between yesterday and today my first cucumber plant has not only germinated but is already about 1.5″ high with two leaves (holy cow!) My little lavenders and poppies are plentiful. I dropped 6-8 seeds into eat pellet intitially cause I had lots of seeds and wasn’t sure how many in each peat pellet would actually germinate. I intend to try and keep as many as possible. I have a pack of those little paper Jiffy-Strips and a bag of al purpose potting mix. I am just wondering, if I transplant my seedlings into these, than what? I would like to pot some of the plants, especially the lavender, to give as gifts. Won’t these get soggy? Are they intended to be planted right into the ground after filling them with soil and seeds? Hmm. Never done this before. Usually I buy my plants as babies in the plastic trays. I live in Pennsylvania so not sure what zone we’re in but it’s definitely too early to put outside.

Thanks for any helpful suggestions.

Best answer:

Answer by John
what you need is over night temperature of 7degrees C, before you transfer them to garden

What do you think? Answer below!

1 Comment

  1. Before planting in the ground, you need to harden them off or they will die from shock. You do this by putting them out in the sun and take them in at night. Eventually, let them stay out all day and night.
    You then can plant them. From what you have listed, I would begin hardening soon but plant after the last day of potential frost. Probably mid-May in your area.

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