Saving Your Tomato Seeds for Next Season

Did you know you can get 35-50 seeds just from one cherry tomato? Greg Speichert, Hilltop Gardens, shows how to save the seeds from your favorite tomatoes so…

Question by Shweta: My rabbit ate a cherry tomato, will he be alright?
It’s those tiny red ones, without any leaves, just the cherry tomato, he ate it by mistake, after being out in the garden for some time?
Is it good for them to have, if not, will he be alright?

Best answer:

Answer by Ooshi
Yes, he’ll be okay.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. yep he ll just do fine…!!!

  2. Tomato is not harmful. They should not eat too much though like any other fruit because of the sugar content. The occasional tomato treat is fine.

  3. Yes he’ll be fine, if you have a garden you should feed him veggies and fruits more often.

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