Side dish time! Green beans with Tomato and Onions.

This is a good side for beef dishes. Takes about 20 minutes to make. Give it a try. Ingredients for 4 large servings: 3 tblsp. olive oil 1 lb. of fresh green…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by tay.tayy18: Conflicts in Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe?
Im doing an essay for school about Fried Green Tomatoes
and i need a controversial tropic to disagree or agree on.

Can someone help get me started on this?
Please and Thank you!

best answer will be awarded.

Best answer:

Answer by #9413
Spousal abuse and also, lesbianism. There are two topics. Then of course you have murder. Is that controversial enough?

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Nothing to be ashamed of. You’re a growing lad.

  2. Not enough meat to be a dinner.  And no… no bacon in this one.

  3. So where’s the bacon?

    Looks like a good bachelor’s dinner.

  4. Thank you! I am ashamed to admit, though, that I at the whole damn thing in one day. 😀

  5. Well done mate!

  6. Thanks man. :)

  7. Thank you….. and yes, it DOES need more bacon. But then… everyone knows that already. 😉

  8. I forgot to get a knife when I set up the taste shot.  Oh well… at least my hands were clean. 😀

  9. Thank you!

  10. Lol….get on the fork!

  11. Looks great mate!

    p.s. needs more bacon

  12. That does look nice bro! Thumbs up! :)

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