Signs of Over Watering Plants

In this Episode of Growing Wisdom, Dave walks through proper watering techniques for watering plants indoor and shows us the warning signs of plants that hav…
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  1. I planted corn for the 1st time ever and I did not do as well as I had hoped.. I only have 7 stalks and reaped about 6 small ears of corn. No one talks about how much water that the stalks must have. I am learning that it takes almost daily watering to assist in the cobs growing large and full of kernels. What are your thoughts on WATERING CORN???????????

  2. Great vid thanks for the info!

  3. i just planted a rose bush and now it has rained for a week straight and i think its drowning, what should i do just wait it out ? i really dont want to dig it up

  4. is it ok to soak the soil for new germinated seeds?

  5. Hi there :) I definitely think I’m over-watering my plants, which are in pots outside. We’re in hot Texas heat here, so I’m concerned that if I decide to let him dry out, the sun will scorch them. Should I bring them inside, or put them in a shady area, for awhile? I’m growing tomatoes, squash and some herbs. Thank you!!

  6. whens the last time you heard a rap video about tomatoes? I thought you were going to maybe say ghost peppers or something like that. That maybe.

  7. tomatoes are pretty damn cool. try supper cropping that.

  8. those are necessary things to grow, not cool.

  9. what do you eat? how cool would it be if farmers stopped growing you’re food. seems pretty cool that i am going to have something to eat for dinner because someone thought it’d be a cool idea to grow these things. I feel sorry for you’re munchies. 😛

  10. that was the dumbest thing ever written

  11. weed isn’t the only cool plant to grow.

  12. Hello is there a way to help my fig tree in container, I over watered it, can you help Please?

  13. Wow. Grow some weed or something man. Being this passionate about ferns and hibiscus plants is pretty gay.

  14. This was helpful :) same thing is happening to my vegetables

  15. do you know how often you should water a calea plant? only had it 2 days thought it had to be watered everyday now i’m thinking its the same as my salvia plant once a week.

  16. Great tips! I also found that if my plants are watered consistently, i.e., with a timer, I tend not to over water.

  17. It depends how overwatered. If its just one or two times you could let it dry out. However, if the soil stays wet for a long time, weeks and weeks, you can get rot and the plant will die. You can transplant with new soil to be safe.

  18. ok so what do you do after over watering do you let it dry for a week or something?????

  19. Thank you for sharing. As always , a great informative video

  20. Greetings and Good day!

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