Simple Tomato Sauce Recipe for Pasta & Spaghetti

In this video, I demonstrate a super simple and fresh tomato sauce recipe that goes great with spaghetti ( or home made fresh pas…

Question by anne: what can i substitute for asiago cheese?
i found this recipe that needs Asiago Cheese. I havent got it so i need some substitute for it like other cheeses.

>> the recipe

Best answer:

Answer by Eason W
Try cheddar or american.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. What’s a good fish sauce you would recommend? Any brand in particular?

  2. Hello, may I use raw tomatoes from my garden? Are they any different from canned?

  3. That’s exactly what I do. I never press the sauce through, I’ll just give it a shake and let it hang out in the strainer for a little bit. Any jus that passes through the strainer is used for a simple pasta dish as shown in our other video (I’ll add garlic and some herbs to bring up the flavor) and then what’s in the strainer becomes pizza sauce.

    I used to make neaoplitan style pizzas at the restaurant and people would rave about my sauce. The secret is simplicity plus fresh flavor.

  4. I guess than we could use the liquid sauce for pasta and whatever did not pass through for pizza. I like that! Thanks again for responding! :)

  5. When it comes to pizza sauce, I’m a purist. I think the sauce should be simple, fresh and have a bright tomato flavor that concentrates as the pizza cooks. So my approach to my pizza sauce is very similar to this one. I’ll used canned plum tomatoes (preferably san marzano) and I’ll blend them with a hand blender or food processor (don’t use a regular blender, it will incorporate too much air). Then I’ll pour the sauce through a fine strainer. Whatever doesn’t pass through, I use for pizza.

  6. Thank you Jacob. Can you suggest a pizza sauce? Method / ingredients. All the best!

  7. Yes, I normally use fish sauce in my pizza sauce and other tomato sauces.

  8. Hello Jacob,
    Love the sauce. I tried it and taste great. Thank you. Do you recommend using the fish sauce with regular pasta sauces or even pizza sauces for that matter? thanks.

  9. When I say pre-cooked sauce, it’s their way of evading produce importation taxes which in a canned tomato which is usually packed in water, the precooked sauce they pack it in makes it legally a soup I guess? something like that

  10. When I say pre-cooked sauce, it’s their way of evading produce importation taxes which in a canned tomato which is usually packed in water, the precooked sauce they pack it in makes it legally a soup I guess? something like that

  11. I only wish we could get a canned Marzano without the pre-cooked sauce. It definitely takes away from the flavor. Dont get me wrong, I grew up on San Marzano’s but leave it to the US to impose produce tariffs and to importers to find a way around it. Alta Cucina’s are actually a great tomato but I’ve never seen them in any local stores in Arizona at least.

  12. The whole point behind this sauce is its simplicity and fresh, tomato flavor. This is just one of many different options available when it comes to making a tomato sauce. I also do a version that is closer to yours when I’m in the mood for a heartier meal. The sauce demonstrated in this video works particularly well with fresh, home made pasta.

  13. always appreciate your videos, thanks for the new post.

  14. I agree a food mill would be much faster, but not everyone has one at home, including yours truly. That’s why I enjoy shooting videos in my home kitchen; I have a lot of fun, pro level toys at the restaurant, but I’m very poorly equipped at home…just the basics. If I can cook it in my home kitchen, then pretty much anyone can! 😉

  15. I think a food mill would be faster than pushing it through the sieve. I love my food mill. Apple sauce, tomato sauce, and the smoothest mashed potatoes ever.

  16. Another excellent reason to be a subscriber, right here.

  17. I’m pleased to see that you saw the connection between anchovies and fish sauce. In fact, most fish sauces will list anchovies as one of their main ingredients. My wife is from the Philippines and she introduced me to the magic of fish sauce (especially with tomatoes) almost a decade ago. I’ve been using it professionally ever since.

  18. the same methods which was called “garam” . Amphora with traces of the garam were excavated in that region. Clever to use it in this way. We love your videos.

  19. Thank you Chef for this video. My family are all from Italy and we make many varieties of this sauce except we would use anchovies for the umami flavor. Having lived in fish sauce producing countries I can say that those little fish are a variety similar to what is used for preserved anchovies. In the south of Italy in antiquity they made a “fish sauce ” using

  20. LIAR

  21. i do the same thing but use homegrown tomatoes I try to get free from people who garden or use real toms. good videos ! i never knew about the fish sauce

  22. Thank `s a lot,now I learn a good technique and the right one instead of using food processor to grind it,even the color will be changed.

  23. This is actually the exact recipe I use for my pizza sauce as well. I like a fresh, light pizza sauce that concentrates while the pizza is baking, and this one does the trick.

    I recommend “Three Crabs” fish sauce. You can find it in most major supermarkets, Asian markets, or on Amazon.

  24. Ok definitely looking forward to that and I’m a member on the site so consider this a request. Also if I try this sauce here, what is a good brand of fish sauce? I haven’t cooked with it.

  25. It’s on my list. I have some good recipes that I’ve developed, I just need to shoot the video.

  26. If you can’t find Asiago, substitute aged Parmesan Cheese.

  27. Parmesan (a little sharper) OR Romano (much sharper) OR dry jack cheese OR Sapsago (low in fat) OR nutritional yeast (This substitution works best if recipe calls for cheese to be sprinkled over a dish. Nutritional yeast is low in fat, high in protein and B vitamins, and it’s not made with any animal products.) OR oil-cured black olives (as a pizza topping) OR seasoned breadcrumbs (as a pizza topping)

  28. ungrated parmesan would work great. usually you can find grated asiago in the same refrigerated case in the supermarket as ricotta cheese.

  29. Romano or even Parmesan would probably work.

  30. I would use either parmesan or romano cheese. The recipe sounds good. Hope you enjoy it!

  31. Parmesan or romano. It is a hard grating cheese so any other hard grating cheese would be fine.

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