Smoky Tomato and Cannellini Bean Soup

Give your tired tomato soup recipe a kick by adding cannellini beans and smoky bacon. This soup is simple to make, but hearty, satisfying and full of healthf…
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Question by amelia: Meal substitution smoothie recipe?
Can someone give me a healthy smoothie recipe that I can drink for breakfast and lunch to replace those meals? Preferably something to give me some energy that is not full of calories. I will still eat a regular meal for dinner. I’m trying to lose about 15lbs by summer. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Jay Lew
If you buy whey protein to add to the “normal” things you add to make a smoothie it will fill you up and give you protein and energy.
Or buy myoplex (EAS) protein powder, they taste pretty good, plus have many flavors and you only have to add milk or soy milk.
(careful though too much protein can make you farty)

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Looks delicious. I’m excited about trying it as we eat a lot if beans it
    will add some variety to our diet.

  2. I’m a new subscriber. Love the CIA…have been to the restaurant in Napa
    Valley. Check out my cooking channel..:)

  3. The beans are really canned. Nothing wrong with that. Tastes the same and
    saves a lot of time.

  4. Nicely done, Chef…Nicely done.

  5. I’ll start off by saying that you should check with your healthcare professional before begginning any weight loss program. I lost 62 pounds using the nutrimed shakes in a 4 month period (completely medically supervised, I see the doctor and attend a group meeting every week). I’ve been able to keep the pounds off too.

    I copied this from another site but this talks about the program.
    “Just a thought, but you might want to look into New Direction’s Nutrimed liquid diet. I think it is wonderful, have been on the program 7 weeks and lost 22 pounds (with a little cheating too –). It is medically supervised, classes, clinics, hand outs, blood work monthly, weekly weigh-in, blood pressure checks, etc. Visits with the program nurse (weekly), the dietician (weekly), the behavorist (weekly), and the doctor (monthly). It is a powder shake with 210 calories per shake, 4 per day. Each shake has: 6 g. toal fat, 1.5 g. Saturated fat, 75 mg cholesterol, 660 mg. sodium, 850 mg. potassium, 11 g. carbohydrate, fiber 1 g. , sugar 5 g, protein 27g., along with vitamins and minerals, used milk protein for base, has a really really good flavor, and comes in a variety of flavors: Chocolate, vanilla, pineapple-apricot, strawberry, chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, hot cocoa, cream of chicken soup, tomato soup and a variety box.”
    Check this site and you can call the number to see if they have a center in your area. Maybe the outlook program would work for you where you combine the shakes with a balanced diet. Good luck

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