1. Don’t forget the top of your hot water heater……

  2. All I have is balcony space, but I add a few seeds to really damp paper towel, seal it in a ziploc and put it somewhere warm. My medicine cabinet is really warm like 80+ faren, no good for medicine but a fine incubator. I think the top of your fridge would work. All of my seeds root within 7 days.

  3. Tomatoes like 75-80 degree for germination but will germinate with temps below that. They can be raised in 3-5 gallon containers or buckets and will do great….given proper nutrients, sunlight, and water. As for the varieties, I do not know the weather conditions in your location. In extreme heat, certain varieties perform better than others. That info can easily be found on the internet. Thanks….Greg

  4. I am in Shanghai China and would like to start Tomato seeds.
    I am wondering since I am in the city and cannot get land for a greenhouse what conditions should I give seeds ? I am not sure if I can get varieties here. I bought some seeds before and none of them came up. I wonder if you have any recommended seed varieties for late spring/summer weather.

  5. u can start them anytime…or root suckers from an existing plant (they will produce faster than starting from seed). You may want to consider a variety that can tolerate the hotter temps of mid summer.

  6. is it too late to start tomatoes from seeds right now?

  7. I always do one really good watering the first time, then just keep the soil moist until germination and for the first week or two. Just make sure the container you use drains really good!

  8. Main things are good seeds, good soil contact, proper temps, and adequate moisture! I hope you have better luck this year!

  9. I’ve tried this year after year for decades. Tomato seeds never come up for me. I think I’m cursed with the black thumb of death.

  10. Thank you for the Video. Good input.
    I have one question: How much water do these need in the first few weeks? Slightly moist or should I water it pretty much as you did in the Video every day? I don’t have luck yet. My seedlings are not happy after they came to the light. Temperature and light are OK, so I assume it must be the water amount or fertilizer…

  11. Nice video….no bull shit…just facts and action.

  12. Thanks for the video! I’m growing my own tomato’s and this video helped!

  13. All my videos are on my youtube channel. You can get the trays at a good garden supply or order them online. I made the organic potting mix and have a video posted that shows how and the ingredients used…….Thanks for watching!!! Greg

  14. Hi,

    I very much enjoyed your video. I have a couple of questions:

    1) Where can I see more of your videos?
    2) Where can I get those trays?
    3) Where can I get that planting mix?

    Thank you. God Bless.

  15. I tried to keep them at a minimum temp of 65 and preferred 70+ for tomatoes. The warmer the temp, the faster germination. (Pepper seeds need 80+ degrees!) If you have room inside, they will do fine till they germinate. Set them out in the daytime and bring them in at night for the first week or so, then they will be fine at 43 at night….as long as they don’t freeze!

  16. i am just wondering if it matters where one is located…and when to start the seeds…i am in southern California and as much as some people like to think, it isn’t as warm all year long here in so-cal…right now it is about 43 degrees F. at night and about 75 during the day… i would really appreciate any guidance on this matter ….thank you.

  17. I had mold once for that same reason. Thanks.

  18. Yes, I do this for every vegetable I start from seed….Thanks!

  19. Thank you very much for the video. Does this method apply to peppers, or other veggies as well?

  20. Your way sounds just fine….the main thing being you get good seed to soil contact for germination. I don’t worry about over-watering the first time because the potting mix I used drains very well. The only time I have a mold problem is when I have poor ventilation or no air flow around the trays. Thanks!!

  21. Nice video! You’ve been doing this a lot longer than me, obviously. I’ve been using those trays for about 4 years. But am I doing it wrong? I always add the water and make sure it’s all the same level and firm, then add the seeds. I’m afraid of over watering and washing out the seeds. Also, my trays hold only 72, but have a clear plastic cover for keeping down evaporation. So far I’ve had good luck, but am I inviting mold or fungus or some other problem?

  22. Both questions kinda go together…..You don’t have to re-pot them but can as many times as you want as long as you have the space to do this. The earlier you start them inside the shed, house, or greenhouse, the larger they will become and the required space increases as well. When they are planted outside, put them as deep as possible because they will sprout roots from everything that is buried. Thanks and I hope this helps!

  23. Thanks for the great video! Cherokee Purples are my fave tom plant. I have a question though:

    Before planting the seedlings in the ground, do they need to be transplanted one or more times into bigger containers so they can get bigger?

    I guess I have two questions. The other one is: How many months before planting in the ground outdoors should I start these seedlings? Here in Nor Cal, May 1 is the right time to put them in the ground outside. Thanks again. This was a great how-to video.

  24. Shut up and make your own dam video you dummy!

  25. you can buy a seed planter which is a hand held device that drops one seed in a hole each press of the button. 100 times faster and cheap.

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