Sun-Dried Tomato Pizza Things

Sun-Dried Tomato Pizza Things

Tonights episode is all about pizza things. What are pizza things you ask? Well, they are little square pizza appetizers with sun-dried tomato, mozzarella an…

Question by ohbaby: ate at restaurant serving marinated chicken breast in olive oil only according to chef over mixed greens?
sun dried tomatoes,roasted peppers, fontinella cheese with balsamic vinaigrette and topped with pine nuts.
question-chicken breast marinated in olive oil only?????????????looked up a lot of recipes on net but not one. what could an ingredient be he not mentioning to go with all of above and how long should i marinate.?

Best answer:

Answer by Maureen M
The marinade would have to include salt and pepper and some acid unless the sun dried peppers and roasted peppers had enough vinegar to help tenderize the raw chicken breast. It would be best if marinated overnight (at least 6-8 hours).

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Your in a rush i had to stop the video you got me on my nerves

  2. Dining room SO messy…. disgusting

  3. I marinate chicken, steak & even lamb in, a mix of olive oil & balsamic vinegar.

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