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Question by : My tomato plants are growing like crazy & have the yellow flowers in bulk but not producing any tomatoes.?
Lived in an apt & grew them every year, no problem, we bought a home & for last 2 years, I don’t understand why they will not produce. They have plenty of sunlight, water, blooms, but no tomatoes! Read where maybe they might be too moist, too dry, or maybe too much fertilizer in soil so I put lil salt like “answers” said…to no avail…. Still no produce! Any suggestions????

Best answer:

Answer by Andrea Amber
You may have to wait a little little sister has a tomato plant, and it took about 3 months to harvest.we bought it already grown at the garden center, but it still took that long to harvest..But we didn’t give it no soil at all, all we did was water it once a day.

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  1. Seems like you have no bees to pollinate them,otherwise they’d be setting fruit.

  2. Tomato’s, Peas and Beans are self pollinating. They don’t use bugs or Bees to pollinate. The wind gently shakes the blossom and the pollen falls and pollinates the flower.

    The temperature at night must stay above 55 F. for the Tomato flowers to set fruit.

    As a last resort, go purchase a bottle of Tomato Blossom Set. It contains Cytokinin Acid and the Tomato will set fruit regardless of temperature, wind, etc. etc. It is cheap and can be found on the shelf of every garden shop. Just spray the Tomato Flower and presto, it sets a fruit.

  3. Is your plants in the open so wind can blow on them ? if not use your hands and shake the plant very easy, now you can check before you water is the soil damp or dry use fertilize high in the last two numbers Good Luck

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