susie shows the right way to eat a cherry tomato

Susie shows the world how to go about eating a cherry tomato. This video is meant for educational purposes only. Any information garnered from this video may…
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Question by ibuprofen1989: is this a healthy diet if i want to lose weight?
i’m 17 years old, female, 5’6, 139 pounds.

yogurt cup, 60 calories

1/2 cup lettuce
1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
6 baby carrots
10 cherry tomatoes
green pepper slices
1 medium apple
1/2 cup skim milk

yogurt cup, 60 calories

chicken breast
1/2 cup brown rice
1 cup watermelon cubes
1/2 cup corn, tomato, and avacado salad
1/2 slice wheat bread

45 minutes running
25 minutes biking
15 minutes rowing machine
15 minutes hand weights
10 minutes abs
15 minutes toning

and i drank plenty of water.

what do you think? is this a good plan? i think i’m getting about 1000-1200 calories.

Best answer:

Answer by Sonya
You’re doing all the right things, eating healthy and exercising. The only problem I see is that you need to eat more for breakfast. How about a bowl of oatmeal with a banana and some milk? Keep up the good work.

What do you think? Answer below!

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  1. If you’re working out that hard, you’re going to want to bump of the calorie intake just a bit so your body has protein to repair the rips and tears in your muscles. Not excessive. That’s a good start. Once you start to see results, then you may want to increase the calorie intake a bit more. Of course, that’s if you’re looking to build muscle. If you’re just looking to get toned, then not necessarily. Good luck…keeping up with diets are tough.

    Edit: By the way, 139 is close to average for someone your height and age.

  2. i’m not an expert at all…but it sounds good to me. i too, am trying to lose weight. i eat a bowl of cereal in the a.m. and take a vitamin. for lunch i eat a salad or a turkey or chicken sandwich on wheat. i drink water throughout the day. for dinner i eat a salad, a baked lean piece of meat/poultry, and some rice. and i walk for an hour 5 days a week. i make it a habit to not eat after 6 p.m.

  3. real good hope it works for you.

  4. For your height, I think 1000-1200 is too few calories, especially considering the amount of exercise you’re putting in. You’d lose weight even if sedentary on 1200 calories. I’d bump up the calories to 1800-2000. Otherwise it looks fine.

  5. this a good plan but you already sound skinny 5/6 at 139 thats pretty good!

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