Tomato Jam.
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Question by cory: what are the best tomatoes to grow in pots?
i went to home depot and they had a ton of tomatoes but since i live in Florida i cant grow in sand and there is a lot of ants here that killed my plants in the sand last year so im going for pots, iv grown before.

Best answer:

Answer by FarmCzar
You can grow determinate (bush) tomatoes like ‘Patio’ or ‘Balcony’ in 5-7-gallon pots, and indeterminate (vining) tomatoes in 7-15 gallon pots, Smart Pots, half barrels, or large window boxes. Cherry tomatoes like ‘Sungold’ and ‘Sweet 100’, and salad tomatoes like ‘Enchantment’, ‘Sweet Cluster’, and ‘Carmellow’ grow well in containers of this size. The large soil volume makes the plants more resilient, so they don’t dry out as quickly. Small-fruited tomatoes like these are better choices for growing tomatoes in pots than large, beefsteak varieties. Beefsteak tomatoes will still produce fruit in pots, they just won’t produce very many.

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  1. Any types of tomatoes can be grow in container or pot remember however to choose a 25-30 gallon container made of plastic, garbage or resin. its aloa good to pick a Light colored containers because it does certain hotter climates when the pots are darker it does absorbs more heat and it most likely to burn the roots


  2. Yes, FarmCzar has the right idea. Growing pots means the bigger the tomato you are growing the bigger the pot so that the soil quantity can feed the plant. Small plants like the cherry tomatoes can actually be grown in quite small pots and even hanging pots which are great if you have an ant problem.

    Even in pots it would be a good idea to try to prevent ants getting into the pots from the bottom as they will still form nests in the bottom of the pot.

    Get Rid of Ants With These Green Tips
    Here are some great tips for getting rid of ants in your yard and in the house.

    Lemon Juice and Bay Leaves
    Ants hate these so make a spray with the juice and throw in a few bay leaves to soak.

    Chalk or powder lines
    Ants will not cross chalk or powder lines because it disguise the pheromones they leave behind as a trail for other ants to follow.

    Petroleum Jelly
    Ants hate to cross this sticky substance so spread it across their line and they will stay away. With some persistence you will chase them away.

    Use a vinegar spray
    Vinegar mixed with water (1 cup white vinegar to a litre of water) is a wonderful cleaning product which will deter ants in the kitchen. If you are going camping take vinegar with you and pour it on any ant hills nearby and trail a line around the tent.

    White Pepper or Sage
    These products also repel ants.

    Don’t squash an ant because it attracts more to that area.

  3. Beefsteak, Mortgage lifter, cherry tomatoes, black cherry, cherokee purple, marianna’s peace, Marmanda, Gardeners delight and Moneymaker are some of the best tomato varieties you can grow in pots.

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