Posts Tagged: Plants

This is a funny video about people selling tomato plants! Watch the video to find out if they’re successful or not! Question by marcus gish: What is this bug / parasite found on tomato plants? Small black parasite or bug found on our tomato plants. It looks like a miniature suction cup or clear contact lens with antenna, and a black “skull and crossbones” pattern on it’s back. Have not been able to find anything similar online. See link below for picture of the pest: Best answer: Answer by geoffIts an aphid. Lady birds… Read Article →

Keeping the bottoms of the Tomato plants up off the ground helps keep the plants healthy. There are undesirable spores and pathogens that can live in the dir… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by Saigonz: what are these long green bumps with black things hanging out of them at the bottom of my tomato plants stem? My tomato plant seems to have some deformed stem towards where it meets the soil and i have no idea if it is a fungus or perfectly normal can anyone help me. Best answer: Answer by treechickIt’s a… Read Article →

How to Grow Tomato plants FOR FREE part 3 seedling Update Transplanting seedling into bigger pots. How to Grow Seedling Tomato plants for free, get them star… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by Steve: I had a infestation last year that completely wiped out my tomato plants last year after reading some on the s? I had a infestation last year that completely wiped out my tomato plants last year after reading some on the subject I found out that these bugs borrow in the ground in the day and come out at night??/… Read Article →

Drug bust gone wrong: Police organized a drug bust after a Brooklyn building manager mistook tomato plants growing on a rooftop for cannabis plants. Lefferts… Question by Ms Verity: What has happened to my tomato plants? I now live in New Zealand and have made my first attempt at growing tomato plants here. They looked really good (plum tomatoes) but now the fruits are forming the bottom of the tomatoes are going black with ripening. I cut a few open and they are black all the way through. Do they have some kind of tomato… Read Article → Question by ?: Is there such thing as a bee charmer? I’ve seen this in a few movies, most notably “Fried Green Tomatoes”, where a character can just go up to a bee hive and take honey without getting stung. Is this a real thing? Best answer: Answer by Ishan26Some people know the art of driving them out of the hive, and some do something to the queen such that things become quiet. What do you think? Answer below!

Adding char to the tomato plants. Question by loulou: Two problems with my tomato plants, curling leaves and birds.? This is the fourth year to grow a vegetable garden and never had these two problems. The leaves on two of the three tomato plants are curling. Something is eating the few tomatoes that I had out there when they were still completely green! help! Best answer: Answer by CatIt the leaves are curling, edges up, and starting on the bottom few branches, you’re overwatering. Hard to know what’s eating them without more info, or poking… Read Article →

How To Grow Tomato Plants ? Find out here How to Grow Juicy Tasty Tomatoes Guide Tomatoes need full sun – make sure your… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by Scarface Cat: Where are these mysterious tomato plants coming from? monthly i pull out weeds from the garden and i always see tomato plants everywhere and im thinking this is stupid cos i dont have a veggie patch , none of my neighbours do, we dont put food scraps any where near the garden, so were are they coming from my thoughts were… Read Article →

Planting time. Planted out my Grafted Tomato Plants today. One each of a grafted and nongrafted plant. Five varieties. All together I put in 17 Tomato plants… Question by clcprodigy: How do you tell the sex of each tomato plant? In Totally Tomatoes they are offering a hybrid between two different strains of Abraham Lincoln(heirloom tomato), using a female line crossed with a male line. I can understand crossing too strains of the same variety, however how can you determine a female tomato plant from a male tomato plant. Tomatoes for the most part are… Read Article →

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