Talking Pierre making tomato juice…

Talking Pierre the Parrot app:

Question by .: What would you do if you got sprayed by a skunk?
I volunteer at a wildlife rehab center and we sometimes do animal rescue too. A few days ago, we got a call about a skunk with a bottle stuck on his head, and we went out to pull it off of him. Another volunteer approached the skunk from his behind with a blanket to cover him, while I approached the skunk from his head to hold him down once the blanket was over him. Unfortunately for me, the skunk saw us through the bottle and he started stomping and generally being aggressive (signs that he wants to spray). I froze, but the other volunteer panicked and threw the towel over him, which just scared the skunk even more, and he whirled around and sprayed me before I could back away.

The other volunteer felt really bad afterward because it was partially her fault that the skunk sprayed me. The rest of the volunteers all thought it was hilarious and they were holding their nose and saying “P.U.” and “Phew” and stuff… was so embarrassing… :s

And all I can say is ugggghhhhhh… I really stink right now and I have for the past 3 days. And of course, the first thing you do is you take a shower, but I should’ve done some research first, because afterward I came to find out that showering makes it worse because it spreads the spray molecules all over your body. :( I also tried tomato juice, but that doesn’t help either. I’m still so stinky and can’t really do anything to help it, and I had to go to class smelling like this!!

So, what would you do if you got sprayed by a skunk? Have you ever been sprayed by one?

Best answer:

Answer by concerned
bathe in tomato juice. then lemon juice it will kill the smell. I know!

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. bathe in tomato juice that reduces the effect.

  2. I’m so sorry that this happened to you! I looked it up to see if I could find anything that might help you so I don’t know if these things work from personal experience. I found this here on Y!A:

    “Mix equal parts of baking soda, peroxide and Dawn dish soap- this actually removes the odor, not just masks it. This works well on dogs and since all of the ingredients are non-toxic, it should work on humans, as well.

    Be sure you first put the baking soda, then the peroxide, so the soda can dissolve. Then add the dish soap. You can wash of with it. You can even handwash your clothes, using it as a detergent”.

    Also as an answer from that same question:

    “hahah. tomato paste buy the big cans then shower with the tomato paste NO WATER until you let the tomato paste sit for 20 Min’s then wash it off rub it in good also.


    If I were you, I would look up these remedies and make sure they were safe and actually worked before I did them. Good luck!

  3. I think you should go take bath in swimming pool and try it for at least half an hour. Then there is mud pack found in market called multani mitti and use it all over your body, let it dry and wash it. This must definitely help.

  4. There is a chemist method of stopping the skunk smell in its tracks that is said to work. Combine a teaspoon of liquid soap with a quart of hydrogen peroxide and one fourth of a cup of baking soda. The concoction should be used as it is bubbling. It is similar to using hydrogen peroxide in the ears to remove earwax. The earwax is broken up and dissolved as the hydrogen peroxide is bubbling.

    Using soap alone won’t work to remove the smell. Using scented hand lotion after trying to remove the odor with soap alone won’t mask the skunk scent.

    It can be thought that sitting in the sun during the heat of the day might help to rid one of the smell because when a skunk sprays around a house at night the scent often goes away when morning comes. The smell will have to wear off on humans if it isn’t eliminated by some other means.

    The strong scent of vinegar can be sprayed on the body and might help to some extent because of its acidity but the underlying skunk stench will still be there.

    Rubbing alcohol might be of some use but again the underlying smell will still be there.

    The bubbling effect of products like “Alka Seltzer” will probably work the same way as hydrogen peroxide in relieving the odor. Other products such as “Febreze” and “Oust” may prove to be helpful in eliminating the stink. Diluted fabric softener may also be included as a wash to remove skunk stench.

    I’m sorry that happened :(xx

  5. You want to be careful!

    I was watching Bear Grylls yesterday and he’d captured a skunk. Said if you get the spray in your eyes it can temporarily blind you.

    But I would get home and scrub myself in the shower, then get online and look at what other things can help get rid of the smell.

    It’s great that you volunteer though, kudos on that.

    Good luck getting rid of the smell!

  6. Bathe in tomato juice. Idk if it actually works, but thats what they do in movies

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