Texas TACTICOOL Tomato Plants “Garden of Eden” raided

Garden of Eden raided, with bogas “drug” warrant, cops there for 10yrs destroying crops and stealing; in TEXAS. Good interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by John: I see a few winged aphids on my tomato plants? What should I do?
I find maybe 1 or 2 aphids per tomato plants. I have about 40. i planted mint and marigold next to them. I dont see any wingless aphids. Another strange thing is i transplated these tomatoes into the graden from the greenhouse 6 days ago. Please help me what i should do and if this is going to get bad. should i use insect soap everyday?

Best answer:

Answer by ColdWarrior
You can order some Ladybugs. They eat aphids.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. County code enforcement = totalitarianism.

  2. a bunch of little piss ants trying to justify their salaries… i mean good grief… 70 of them??? even if they were growing pot i don’t think they would need 70… i’ll bet there are entire towns that don’t have 70 cops…

  3. and don’t forget your PINK SLIME BURGERS while your at it…lol

  4. I hear from the local zoning dept that the county zoning dept used to go around hassling people about the “old cars”, etc, in their yards/property ..then, after people threatened, pulled guns, etc ..they stopped that globalist “zoning” AGENDA21 bs.

    Truth is …

    I’d go out of my way to catch you on my property, film me putting a gun on them until I ID’d em, ask for a warrant, then call the police …

    just to make sure they are who they say, and doing what they are doing legally. he he he

  5. Thanks for the link, that was a good interview. Smh over the improperly stacked wood, the HOA comes on my property too. I have almost 3 acres backed up to a reservoir, they come here checking to see if we cut any trees, writing their gripes down if anything is out of place. Just ridiculous.

  6. God damn hippies, think they can just grow food in the ground like its natural or something…go down and buy your tinned muckmeat NOW!

  7. try Lemon Joy dish soap and water mixed in a spray bottle.

  8. A few aphids are no cause for alarm.
    It’s unreasonable to expect a garden to be entirely free of insects.

    If the aphid population starts to grow…then take action.
    A weekly application of insecticidal soap…especially on the underside of leaves…will keep them under control.

    Lady bugs are a waste of money..
    Once the food supply is gone…so are the lady bugs.

  9. Spray with liquid Seven. That is what I use and it works.

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