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Question by Mom to be: Is there anything harmful in green salad when pregnant?
I’m 13 weeks pregnant and there seems to be something in a lot of stuff that can harm the baby. So I’m checking first :)

It’s regular green salad: Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots with vinigiarrette dressing. Also, would uncooked mushrooms be a bad idea?

Best answer:

Answer by LEEE =D
You’re set.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. nope

  2. As long as everything is properly washed before eating it is fine.

  3. Never heard of anything like that. And another word of advise, quit trying to follow all of the “rules” you read in books, you’ll just drive yourself crazy!

  4. Just make sure everything is organic and washed VERY thoroughly. There can be harmful chemicals. Not sure about the mushrooms though…. sorry.

  5. Those are all perfectly fine things to eat while pregnant.

  6. Sounds fine. Don’t stress over every little thing. There is such a laundry list of what pregnant women should and should not do. Do your best! But don’t stress. And of course avoid stuff like alcohol which I am 100% sure you are doing anyway! Congrats on the little one.

  7. All good for you and baby!

  8. well mushrooms and spinach can be a concern but useually okay.

  9. No. Salad is very good for you and the baby. During my first pregnancy I lived on salad.

  10. no eat away :] some foods can alter it a bit. but nothing to harm it. like blue foods make you hyper. and no fructose. its fake sugar. sugar is good but if you want a healthy baby go with real sugar. and possibly organic stuff but it doesnt matter.

  11. it depends on what kind of salad but Romain lettuce is the healthiest

  12. i’d be careful about the uncooked mushrooms. when you’re pregnant, you always want to make sure you eat things, that you’re unsure about eating, fully cooked.

  13. I’m a high risk pregnancy and every day without fail i eat:

    some sort of protein (lean chicken meat mostly)
    red cabbage
    low fat cheese
    grated carrot

    i love it and can’t get enough!! i love to have a MASSIVE feast of salad for lunch yum yum yum yum!!!

  14. You book hording pregoes are laugh riot!!!

    I ought to make a book, myself…

    Guess what, 6 Billion people where born and most of them did just fine without their mother buying into every bit of pregnancy sudoscience.

  15. that’s fine. make sure you wash all your veggies!

    just NO ceaser salads.

  16. Yes! Perfectly okay! Salad is my favorite thing to eat right now! So yummy yummy yum!!!! I am always wanting a salad, hehe! Happy eating and congrats!

  17. During the first half of my pregnancy, I could not look at salad. It was so strange. When not pregnant, I can eat a ton of lettuce of various varieties. I crave it. (And can’t eat a sandwhich with out 2/3s of the sandwich consisting of lettuce.) But during the first half of pregnancy, just even looking at lettuce made me ill, and it was so strange for me. (And at the same time, the spicier the food the better, so odd for me.)
    At around 19 weeks, I could eat it again. All those things, if well-washed, are fine! Wonderful!

  18. It’s all good if you wash all of them really well. You need to make sure there are no pesticides or soil left on them which can be harmful to your baby.

    Congratulations and well done for watching what you eat. So many women these days have given up eating a healthy diet for their babies.

    Also, you should try to avoid eating pineapple. In some countries young pineapples were used to abort preganancies. There is something in them before they get to mature and ripen that used to cause spontaneous miscarriages early on in pregnancy.

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