The MIgardener Heirloom Tomato Taste Test

a super up close look at the tomatoes i am growing, as very decent harvest, and an amazing tomato taste test to finish the video off.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Question by blackbelttree: How fast do Big Boy tomato plants grow?
I started 24 Big Boy tomato seedlings a couple of weeks ago. I’m not sure how fast they normally grow and what’s to be expected though. Anyone know?
I mean I would like to know how fast they will grow after sprouting

Best answer:

Answer by Dil
after around a week you start seeing the bottom of them plant

Give your answer to this question below!

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  1. A question – google says ananas noire = black pineapple (makes sense since
    ananas noire translates as black pineapple in French), but you consider
    them to be different varieties?!?

  2. What kind of camera do you use?

  3. Late night tomato tasting…; )

  4. Great Job.. I was wondering what all the tomatoes would look like when they
    ripened and how they would taste. Can’t wait to see more video’s.

  5. I actually paused the video to check on the one and only tomato in my
    garden that is starting to ripen. I am in awe of your varieties.

  6. I liked pink brandywine without salt and striped chocholate, which I said
    was big rainbow…. sorry, I wasn’t thinking. and also, I got my seeds from
    ebay. but i also recived them from fans that wanted me to try a new
    variety. which if its heirloom im open for anything :)

  7. Nice video ☻ And the varieties of tomatoes are very impressive!

  8. I eat my fresh tomatoes with sugar not salt. this must be a new england

  9. “world’s tiniest watermelon”… made me laugh. Thanks.

  10. Everything looks great Luke!

  11. How do you turn it into seeds? dry them out?

  12. do you have ears under there?

  13. Is there anyway you could post the results for salt and plain in a comment?
    There was a lot of shifting near the end and I’m not familiar enough with
    the looks of the tomatoes to know which is which.

  14. its whole name is chocolate big rainbow which makes more sense. :) sorry.

  15. i think ill grow a zebra next year if i can find some seeds. thanks

  16. why haven’t you grown your canteloupe and squash from your own seed

  17. There it is : ) amazing taste test video. There’s some great stuff,
    excellent descriptions.

  18. ahh.. *cries*… TT^TT no wonder my pumpkin seems to stop growing and so
    are my watermelons.. this makes me sooo sad.. is there anything i can do to
    save them? more compost tea perhaps?

  19. Very nice, I’ve been looking for a good tasting tomato to plant now at
    least I have a good idea what to purchase. Thanks

  20. I will have some for sale very shortly :) via request.

  21. I came back to this video when I was choosing tomato varieties for 2013 –
    I’m not sure you realise, ananas noire is french for “black pineapple” –
    but you also have a “black pineapple” tomato :-) I think you grew two of
    the same varieties just with french/english names :-)

  22. they are different varieties, one is the original french heirloom, and one
    is an americanized hybrid that was trasformed into an heirloom. both have
    very similar origins, but as you can tell once cut, they are very different
    in both growing styles, yield, flavor, color, pretty much everything! lol.

  23. Luke I wanted to ask .. are you weighing the harvest or somehow checking
    production ?

  24. OK I just watched the whole thing again,lol,( im a glutton for punishment).
    How many var. did you plant? Open to suggestions??? I think it would help
    the viewers if you wrote the names of the tomatoes on little strips of
    paper for your 1-10 system. I was surprized you didn’t like the bk trifle
    maybe that one was bad ? Anyway I think like wine you should compare bk to
    bk ,yellow to yellow and red to red, and do usage like ‘cooking tomatoes’,
    all together. Still enjoyed seeing all the var.

  25. The ones wth stripes look like they sparkle!!

  26. They grow much faster in June, July, August than they do right now.

    Growth rate is largely temperature dependent so… those hot months is where you get most of your growth.

    Right now my tomatoes… (not Big Boy) have been in the ground about 4 weeks and have put on maybe 4-5 inches of growth and have started blossoming. I would call that pretty normal in my experience.

  27. How much sun? How much water? What temperature? How close together?

    Be very careful. I grew them once, and they got to be 7′ tall, fell over, and I lost 70% of the tomatoes. Buy determinate next near

  28. If temps are warm you should be eating tomatoes 90 days after they get 1 ft. tall.

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