Tomato and Pepper Salad

Tomato and Pepper Salad

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Question by Wendy: What veggies to include in salad for low carb diet?
Any suggestions of what to include in a salad that is high protein, low carb?

Best answer:

Answer by Cindy in Texas
If you are doing Atkins program, the first 2 weeks should include the lower carb salad vegetables. After 2 weeks, most all nonstarchy vegetables are allowed.

You should be eating approximately 12 to 15 grams of net carbs per day in the form of vegetables, which is equivalent to several cups depending on the actual carb content of the veggies you select.
1 cup is roughly the size of a baseball. Measure the following salad vegetables raw.

Vegetable Serving Size/Prep grams of net carbs
Alfalfa sprouts 1 cup/raw 0.4
Arugula ½ cup/raw 0.2
Bok choy 1 cup/raw 0.4
Celery 1 stalk 0.8
Chicory greens ½ cup/raw 0.1
Chives 1 tablespoon 0.1
Cucumber ½ cup 1.0
Daikon ½ cup 1.0
Endive ½ cup 0.4
Escarole ½ cup 0.1
Fennel 1 cup 3.6
Jicama ½ cup 2.5
Iceberg lettuce ½ cup 0.1
Mushrooms ½ cup 1.2
Parsley 1 tablespoon 0.1
Peppers ½ cup/raw 2.3
Radicchio ½ cup/raw 0.7
Radishes 6/raw 0.5
Romaine lettuce ½ cup 0.2

The following vegetables are slightly higher in carbs than the salad vegetables listed above. They also provide important nutrients and add variety to your daily foods. Make sure you stay within the 12-15 grams of net carbs. Unless otherwise noted, measure these veggies after you cook them.

Vegetable Serving Size/ Prep Net Carbs
Artichoke 1/2 medium 3.5
Asparagus 6 spears 2.4
Artichoke hearts 1 canned 1.0
Avocados 1 whole (raw) 3.6
Bamboo shoots 1/2 cup 1.2
Broccoli ½ cup 1.7
Broccoli raw ½ cup 0.8
Broccoli rabe ½ cup 2.0
Broccoflower ½ cup 2.3
Brussels sprouts ¼ cup 1.8
Cabbage ½ cup (raw) 1.6
Cauliflower ½ cup (raw) 1.0
Swiss chard ½ cup 1.8
Collard greens ½ cup boiled 2.0
Eggplant ½ cup 2.0
Green String Beans 1 cup 4.1
Hearts of palm 1 heart 0.7
Kale ½ cup 2.4
Kohlrabi ½ cup 4.6
Leeks ¼ cup 1.7
Okra ½ cup 2.4
Olives green 5 0
Olives black 5 0.7
Onion 2 T chopped 1.5
Pumpkin ¼ cup 2.4
Rhubarb ½ cup (unsweetened) 1.7
Sauerkraut ½ cup (drained) 1.2
Snow peas and snap peas in pod ½ cup with pods 3.4
Spaghetti squash 1/4 cup boiled 2.0
Spinach ½ cup 2.2
Summer squash ½ cup 2.6
Tomato 1 (raw) 4.3
Turnips ½ cup 3.3
Water chestnuts 1/4 cup (canned) 3.5
Zucchini ½ cup 1.5

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Interesting, Id taste it if offered to me. I’m just to lazy to make it :/

  2. **** or put the peppers in a bowl and cover with a sarran wrap!

  3. can´t people cook?

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